
Political commentator Candace Owens sues fact checkers | tired of being censored Twitter, Facebook. The Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe, didn't implement Marxism overnight but rather over the course of 20 years. He was the president there from 1987 to 2017. He used to identify himself as a nationalist in the 1980's but as a Marxist and a socialist in the 1990's. At one point, their money inflated by 250 million percent. That was the inflation rate. 2020 Election Theft is the biggest theft since 1824 said Gingrich. George Washington lost in the first five of the six year war.

Georgia Gone Crazy

Georgia Judge made a ruling and then reversed it a few hours later. Their plan is to erase the Trump votes on the thumb drives in the election office which is inside a CNN building in Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, the 30th of November, 2020. The judge just ruled saying they must do this. Dominion counted votes in foreign countries. Early in 2020, they said millions of people would die of Covid but that did NOT happen. Stupid people forget this. They cannot remember what they were told.


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2020-11-29 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-11-29 - Sunday
Published in November of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-11-30 00:08:01.png

Judge orders election officials in Georgia to destroy thumb drives before Monday the 30th of November of 2020

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Thanksgiving Traditions

I would eat turkey and chicken sandwiches after Thanksgiving as we had leftovers, that is in November and December, probably annually for many years in the 1990's in Oregon as a boy.

I would grab and pick apples from our apple tree and the overhang of the neighbor's apple trees and hand them to mom who would make apple pie for us for Thanksgiving in the 1990's and in the 2000's into 2003 which was my last Thanksgiving before graduating high school and moving to New York the next year for college.

Oatmeal Health

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Covid Talk

09:56 AM - Facebook

99% people recover from Covid and we all have Covid.

Soren Kirchner, if you were hit by a truck and died, they will say you died of Covid.

Governors Are Monsters

08:02 PM - Facebook

Breauna Williams, do you want freedom or alleged safety? That would answer your question regarding why governors are monsters.


10:15 AM - Facebook | YouTube Video - Candace Owens

The Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe, didn't implement Marxism overnight but rather over the course of 20 years. He was the president there from 1987 to 2017. He used to identify himself as a nationalist in the 1980's but as a Marxist and a socialist in the 1990's. At one point, their money inflated by 250 million percent. That was the inflation rate.

American Reparations sounds like the Zimbabwe Land Reform.


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09:46 AM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in DORAL, FL 11/29/20

These two people are from Vietnam and they love Trump.

13:13 - Vietnamese For Trump


10:03 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Melissa Tate

Melissa Tate grew up in Zimbabwe for her first 19 years of life.

The Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe, didn't implement Marxism overnight but rather over the course of 20 years. He was the president there from 1987 to 2017. He used to identify himself as a nationalist in the 1980's but as a Marxist and a socialist in the 1990's. At one point, their money inflated by 250 million percent. That was the inflation rate.

General Shepherd

08:05 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 11/29/20

Georgia Judge made a ruling and then reversed it a few hours later.

Their plan is to erase the Trump votes on the thumb drives in the election office which is inside a CNN building in Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, the 30th of November, 2020. The judge just ruled saying they must do this.

Dominion counted votes in foreign countries.

Early in 2020, they said millions of people would die of Covid but that did NOT happen. Stupid people forget this. They cannot remember what they were told.

Why did the judge make a ruling and then counter his own ruling like an hour later?

2020 Election Theft is the biggest theft since 1824 said Gingrich.

George Washington lost in the first five of the six year war.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Serve It Up Now

09:45 AM - Political commentator Candace Owens sues fact checkers | tired of being censored Twitter, Facebook


09:46 AM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in DORAL, FL 11/29/20


10:03 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Melissa Tate

Lionel Nation

07:58 AM - Working Desperately on Trump's Legacy Optics

Lisa Haven

08:01 PM - United Nations Recruits a 110K ‘Man-Army’ & Just Unleashed Them To ‘Control The Narrative’

General Shepherd

08:05 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 11/29/20


I think I was in high school in one of my dreams. I think I was in or watching Bay Watch in the last dream and was surprised it was not rated PG. I was wondering how it got on TV. I had probably other dreams too other places but I can't remember them any longer or too vaguely now.

Rise & Shine

09:00 AM - Clock alarm goes off. I struggle to find the button to turn it off and then find it after several attempts. I take a shower, nice men shampoo smells good. I'm not like Huey or how do you spell his name from The Boys which I finished watching through to the end of season 2 last night. For some reason, it is now 09:41 AM.

We got to church around 11 AM and the sermon was about understanding Ephesians 2:9, that salvation is not of works. Well, the pastor didn't mention that specific verse and instead emphasize letting God use us from the inside out like a hand uses a glove. We do not think that a glove has power and people don't really have much power compared to the source of where all power derives from. We had a potluck for the older lady who is going to live with her relatives in California. It was a going away party. I guess I do look nervous sometimes and was told about that and it could sometimes be a combination of things that I look like according to other people and what I am feeling and thinking and everything within me. It is good to know how one feels and it is crucial to understand how others se you too. Now, it doesn't really matter how others see you perhaps. It may depend and you should have a foundation before seeking out how others see you. I may be nervous and even anxious. I may need to work on how I am first off and also what kind of vibes I give off second off. Kid's table in the corner. Hat tossed up high in the sanctuary room. I jumped up and got it. Another time too high but a broom or push vacuum saved the day. Not Bruce Wayne Batman. Dessert good. Rabbit trails from not the mail man of Mister Rogers. Ugly Mouse was my nickname according to Snow. Not Jon Snow. The sister of Anna Barbie. Larry calls me Big Mouse. Funny. He was talking to Cliff. Imagine how old Mountain View Alliance is in Shelton, WA. Maybe it was built in the 1940's from a Sears Catalog kit. Talk about fixing up the ramp. Green pepeprs are good. Made up some songs on the piano. Sang to them for a minute or so. After that, drove over to a store which was fined by the city or state via the health department or whatever for not forcing customers and potential customers into wearing masks even as most did and only like a few did not. I didn't go in but they went in wearing masks to buy some snacks. Am I ruining my relationship with this person or that person? Good question for the den. If lockdown so good, why do it again? Was it so bad? Should we ban stores who sell beer, tobacco, rope, swimming pools, knives, guns, as we can die from them or as they can help us kill ourselves and each other? Were the hospitals overwhelmed? Why did doctors and nurses make so many Tik-Tok videos? Should government keep us safe or free?

Vietnamese to English

When you translate "How are you?" into English from Vietnamese, it is literally "You healthy, no?" As in: "Em khoe, khong?" We watched these random videos of famous songs which were translated back and forth between languages via Google Translate. Funny.


03:00 PM - 07:30 PM - Worked on the back part where the small chicken entrance would be. I added boards to part of a ceiling and not roofing frame part. I put the roof shingles and plywood onto the roof but they're not nailed. Doing some adjusting.


07:52 PM - Thanksgiving leftovers


08:10 PM - 11:20 PM - Continued working on the chicken house, especially in how the roof meets the walls

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