Woof Woof - The Cosmos has a Meme coin called Chihuahua (HUAHUA)

Cosmos Memecoin HUAHUA.

Every eco-system has its meme tokens, and now the Cosmos is now different. HUAHUA is a dog meme obviously inspired by the mighty chihuahua.

chihuahua website image.png

Image source

The token has launched, with a few airdrops on the table. The biggest drop, 1 million tokens went to delegators to the Chihuahua validator for JUNO. With a current trading price of $0.003535, that is a $3535 airdrop. The next category of airdrop was to OSMO stakers. OSMO in LP's doesn't count, only staked OSMO. I think that drop was 100 HUAHUA per OSMO staked. These two drops were an either/or situation, you only received the bigger amount of the two if you qualified for both.

More recently, a new drop has been underway, for ATOM stakers. Not sure when the snapshot was, but if you stake ATOM, you should get some HUAHUA. I received my drop today, and it was 20000 on a 200 ATOM stake, so it looks to me like 100 HUAHUA per ATOM. Others may correct me if that is not correct.

Token info:

Max supply: 500 Billion (I think - saw it somewhere but can't find it now)

Current supply: 100 Billion (ish)

Current price: $0.003535 (already 10x in just over a week)

Currently bonded: 5.5 Billion HUAHUA (ish)

Current staking APR: 900%

LP incentives on Osmosis: Approved for addition to OSMO incentives system, plus 6 Billion HUAHUA, split between HUAHUA/OSMO and HUAHUA/ATOM pools over 180 Days.

HUAHUA use cases: WOOF.

To see the current stats for HUAHUA, you can visit this handy site put together by the Bro_n_Bro validators. These boards are available for a number of different Cosmos eco-system chains, and are really helpful.

Check and stake or LP.

Definitely worth checking if you have received an airdrop, and getting it staked or in an Osmosis farm ASAP - the staking APR is mental. In less than half a day, I have gained currently 143 HUAHUA from staking my 20,000. The current APR works out at around 2.5% return per day. Obviously as more airdrops occur (there is still Billions of HUAHUA left in their airdrop budget) and more tokens get staked, the APR will drop.

So getting in quick will have the best result.


Sell your drop for something else.

There is low liquidity on Osmosis so far, but once incentives kick in that should improve. The amount of incentives may make this meme coin actually one worth accumulating - till the supply catches and exceeds the demand. Note that staked HUAHUA take 28 days to unstake. So if the price crashes, you could be left holding a bag full of worthless tokens.

For me, I'll probably not buy any, but I am happily staking and compounding my airdrop, and hoping to qualify for some more as time goes on.

The best way to check and stake is to go to the Omniflix page for Chihuahua. Once you add the chain to Keplr - then you should see if you got a drop. Not sure the process for Ledger or other wallet options.

Have fun, hope you all get to enjoy the newest Dog meme token - HUAHUA.

Let me know in the comments if you got any, and what you are doing with them.



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