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Celebrating Life And Two on The Blockchain!

I wasn’t going to write today. I was pretty sure up until about eight thirty pm, where it felt like I was receiving new insight and before you know it, I whipped up my Word App and began to write. It’s quite uncanny how fitting the prompt of today is. Maybe it’s because today feels like a day to be reflective or maybe it’s because I have too much and yet too little to say, then this prompt comes and I have that final push to lay it bare.

Life as a work of art has to be one of the truest statements there is. Because of how valid it feels. What is art? And that’s such a profoundly complex question because most people would define art as a form of human expression, involving mostly the person’s imagination, then creativity comes into play and finally the skill to put it all together. But how can we then define life as a work of art when we practically had no part to play in creating it?

I’ve been watching a lot of Hopecore videos lately. And it’s something I wish many of us do. Because watching these videos help to do two things: you release pent up emotions, whether spontaneous or slowly built, you let it all go. And the second thing watching Hopecore does to you is to let you see the beauty in life. The beauty that is life. And that’s what I think of when I saw the prompt about reflecting on life as a work of art. Because the art factor of life represents beauty.

I’ve come to understand that Art is not all beautiful. Art could be raw sometimes. Art could be painful. Art could break you and heal you, only to break you again. It’s weird to say, but that is the beauty to art. That rawness it represents. For true artists in all forms, writers, content creators, painters, sculptors and everyone in between, you’ll understand that many times you cannot control the art you create. Your imagination runs wild and then bleeds into the work and you let it flow.

The same it is with life as we know it. Life is not always beautiful. In fact life, a good amount of time, is painful at best. Happiness could be so fleeting, sadness could be so lasting and through it all, whether joy or sorrow, you get to realize the beauty in it. Life is a work of art. Because life lets us see that anything can happen. And anything you want to happen can be possible. That you can take control of your life even though life itself is uncontrollable, and you can turn it into what favours you.

You know, I got a notification from Hive Buzz a few days ago that I’d turned two years on the Hive Blockchain. And for minutes, I sat back and reflected on these two years. The time that has gone, the experiences I’ve had, the people I met along the way, the ones who remain my people till this day, the most unlikely bonds that were formed, and how easily a few of these bonds could dissipate into thin air like it never existed.

And through it all, I’m forced to understand that that is the beauty of life. That’s what makes life a work of art, because it is a constant progress. Sometimes it feels like you’re stagnated and rooted to a spot, but you don’t realize that that in itself is progress, maybe not financially as you would have hoped, but mentally. Your values are changing. Your principles are shaping into something different from what you once knew. All of that and even more is the art that life presents on a platter of gold to us.

I was going to simply ignore it, and just pretend I didn’t know I turned two on the Blockchain. But I’m glad I called myself to order in time, because these past two years have been a rollercoaster of all things beautiful and ugly, yet I still appreciate every moment. Since the year started, I wasn’t active I used to be because of college and a particular goal I wanted to achieve. So posting hasn’t been the best and maybe I would have progressed more if not for my offline activities. But how can I be sad when I can see just how much I’ve grown in this past year?

I’m thankful for the people I have in my life. I’m thankful that even in my worst moments, they give me a reason to smile. I’ve met some real gems on the chain and I can’t begin to express how much I think they are God’s gift to me. So pure and uniquely true. If you let me keep going, I can talk forever about them and how deep the esteem I hold them in is. But yeah, they know who they are so I hope they see through my words in this post and smile the same way I’m smiling now.

Anyway, today is #LPUD and yeah, I’m happy that I could make it this month. It’s not as much as I’d have liked to power up, but yeah, why wouldn’t I support a platform that has been super beneficial to not just me but others like me who may not have had much of a voice without their support. So 50 LEO power up is the least I can do. I hope next month is better. In all ramifications.

Always remember to value your life. And see it as beauty. See it as the art that you have control of. Then watch it shape itself into what you’re projecting mentally and otherwise to it. Have a beautiful week, lovelies.


Images are mine.