December HIVE Power Up Day and Monthly Goals

It's the final month of the year so here is my monthly hive power up day and goals. I managed to hit all of my goals so it wasn't that bad. As always, I like to set my goals and see where I failed to keep me accountable.

Hive Power Up Day

More information about Hive Power Up Day (HPUD) can be found at the December HPUD by "@"traciyork. Last month wasn't that bad as I gained around 165 HP from my activity on the block chain.

One thing to note was that I did take advantage of the HIVE pump to load up on some credits in Splinterlands. As I used the HIVE generated from selling VOUCHERS, I was able to collect enough credits to fully fund my purchase of 500 packs when VOUCHERS will only be required for the bonus packs. Now I don't need to worry about price fluctuations towards this purchase.

Hive Balance.png

My current HP (shown above) before powering up is around 1983 HP and I plan to power up 25 HIVE. The results of this can be seen in the picture below and here is the transaction link. I was conflicted about decreasing the amount due to the decrease in HIVE price but I decided to just do 25 again this time around.

power up.png

As usual, I have added the entire month's addition to the Saturday Saver's Challenge and it is 9.889 HBD. I collected 0.382 HBD as interest it is 51 cents more than last month.
HBD for Saturday Saver.png

December Goals

As usual, I based my monthly goals based on my yearly goals and how well I did during the previous month. Last month's goal can be found in my November Hive Power Up Day. As of currently, I have hit all of my set yearly goals so I will only set some monthly goals.

Token Goals

So here are my monthly goals and I decided to just make them very similar to last month. The price of HIVE has increased a lot but I plan on keeping on with my usual plan.

  1. Increase my HP to 2150 HP (currently 2008 HP)
  2. Increase my UTOPIS holdings to 70 (currently 60)
  3. Invest 200 LEO into Cub Finance
  4. Increased Staked LEO to 1.6k (currently 1.5k)

I don't how much time I will have in December but I think a little less than 150 HP is a reasonable target for me to go for. The Cub Finance and LEO power goals is more in line with what I have been doing for the past few months. For reference I did my November monthly add recently and it has increased my CUB/BUSD farm position. I am glad that my total value has stayed above $1k in Cub Finance so I think my investments are doing a great job.

My dividend token of the month to add is UTOPIS again. The price of UTOPIS is in the dumps but it makes sense for me to add on to my position as I want to have a position of at least 100 UTOPIS. After that I will focus on other dividend tokens and increase the income sources I am getting from drip tokens.

Gaming Goals

My gaming goals for the month is mainly for Rising Star and Splinterlands. I don't see much point in changing the goals themselves from last month but I will update the number of cards in Rising Star.

  1. Maintain top 75 rank in Rising Star
  2. 2000 cards in Rising Star
  3. Finish daily quest everyday in Splinterlands.

I believe there will be a Christmas seasonal mission in Rising Star and I am saving my Starbits to open more packs when that happens. So my estimate of 2,000 cards is based on that. My rank is sitting a bit higher than before but I think 75 is still a conservative choice right now.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback.

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