Cub Finance: December monthly add and status

As usual, I am making my monthly add to Cub Finance so I can increase my sources of passive income. There is still no PolyCub news but I think it should be released soon. So while we wait, I will continue to add some more CUB and get more in the upcoming airdrop.


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There is finally an update to the roadmap documentation page. So it looks like we will be getting PolyCUB dropped to us daily for 60 days. I am a little interested in seeing what will happen with the partnerships but the pLEO and LeoBridge Extension seems to just be an additional way to convert LEO. So I kind of know what to expect outside the Partnerships. However it is near the end of the month so I wonder if PolyCUB will come out this month or not.

The other items on the bottom are also quite interesting and they should be released next quarter. However with the way they do deadlines, I kind of expect it to happen Q2 instead. The Seed Protocol Owned Liquidity is interesting and I have no idea what it is. It also looks like the 2nd IDO will also airdrop some tokens to CUB kingdom stakers. So we might be able to stake directly on the 2nd IDO LPs right away.

Near the bottom end, it mentions there will be some yield analytics and other integrations between other platforms. I only use BSC for Defi right now so I might have to wait for others to comment on this. I am wondering the vCUB DAO is because they mentioned it should have higher APY and there is also voting. So I guess this might some type of governance token on CUB.

My monthly add

Similar to last month, I sent 251 LEO tokens over to my metamask wallet using the documentation instructions. From this swap over, I got 250 bLEO tokens. I converted half into CUB and the other half into BUSD. My reason for choosing the CUB/BUSD pool is because it has over 100% APR and it will also contribute to the PolyCUB airdrop.

It looks like it saved bLEO's token address this month. However if you need bLEO's token address, you can find it in my October's monthly buy.

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In total from my 250 LEO, I managed to get 46.2015 LP tokens (last month was 42.4756). It does seem like I had a better exchange rate this month. Like last month, I harvested my bLEO/BNB farm first just incase the price of the pool changes so all my BUSD is taken. After adding the pool tokens, I now have 234.505 LP tokens staked in the CUB/BUSD Farm.
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My Cub Finance holdings

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Above is my holdings as of last month and below is my current holdings using mycubholdings. The values have definitely changed quite a bit.

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The price of DEC has dropped quite a bit so the value in the DEC/BUSD farm has dropped quite a bit. The bLEO/BNB and CUB/BUSD farm has both dropped in value. However with the addition LP tokens I added today, my CUB/BUSD dollar value is slightly higher now. I wonder if people are getting tired of waiting for PolyCUB because CUB prices are down but it could just be CUB dropping along with the rest of the crypto markets.

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Between last month and this month, I was able to harvest 81.5 CUB. As CUB prices have dropped, my dollar value in the kingdom has dropped but my total CUB for the airdrop is making great progress. I am wondering about the BNB dividends because it hasn't really seem to have changed in a long time. So I wonder if the amount of people using the pool isn't large enough and we just aren't getting enough to see an increase in value on this end. On a side note, my total value in CUB is still over $1,000 so it didn't drop too much in value.

Please make sure to invest only what you can afford to lose and nothing I said is financial advice. Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

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