Time to #introducemyself?

I am presently a librarian in a small town in the western US. I have worked in retail, at a call center, and at a theme park. I have degrees in architectural and mechanical drafting, and was a draftsman until the 2007 economic collapse finally caught up with the firm where I worked. This collapse spurred a serious, if informal, study of economics, philosophy, history, and politics. Theologically, I lean Quaker. I'm not a very good Quaker though. I favor market anarchism over socialism, support the right to self-defense, and enjoy celebrating several holidays. However, I am staunchly anti-war and have no respect for religious or secular puritans and their authoritarian pretenses. Politically, I would describe myself as an atheist, and I poke fun at the deities of The State. Sacred cows taste delicious.

I enjoy urban legends, conspiracy theories, and tales of treasure hunts like Oak Island or El Dorado. Not because I believe they're true, but because I like the puzzle of sifting out the facts from the falsehoods, conjecture, and speculation. I don't have a pet theory about who shot JFK. I remain thoroughly unconvinced about extraterrestrials and ghosts. I hope Sasquatch exists, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for proof.

It is now winter according to the weather, whether the calendar agrees yet or not, so my hobbies at present are devoted to things that can be done indoors where I can remain warm and dry. I like board games, card games, war games, and building and painting models for said war games. Fluxx, Magic: The Gathering, Munchkin, Apples to Apples, Frag, Scrabble, Risk, Axis & Allies, Warhammer 40,000, and Kings of War are among the tabletop games I enjoy. I also play a wide range of PC and console games. I have an extensive personal library, and am an avid reader. I like a wide range of music, from baroque compositions to ska-punk. I don't watch a lot of TV, I rarely see films in the theater, and I spend too much time on the internet.

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