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5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - Describe a Clock

You!! 👉 Follow me. Everyone is expecting you. It’s time to burn ‘em down now.
Burn who ?
The Malkaukines, of course. You finally got ‘em after so many centuries. Those damn Night Crawlers!!

Continuation Prompt – Part V

Inspector Robertson followed the Beast to a nearby house. As he walked in, he noticed the loud sounds of clock ticking away. There must be at least 100 over clocks; wall clocks, standing clocks, table clocks to pocket clocks. But these clocks seemed different, there were strange marks on them. It looked like symbols of witchcraft used by the sacred members of Illuminati. Oh yes! Inspector Robertson have heard of them before.

Robert was about 7 years old when he first knew about the sacred society knowned as Illuminati. He had seen them in the mansion many times over. They came in the dark and would leave before the sun rises. He’s always found it strange that they seemed to carry a pocket watch in their hands, all the time and chanting words in a language he didn’t understood.

The clocks were arranged in an angle facing the main door, as if protecting the house from whatever was coming into the house. One specific clock captured his attention.

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It was an old wooden stand clock, about 5 feet in height & 2 feet in length. It was placed on the far left side of the room. The hands of the clock were pointing at 11.48 ... suddenly it hit him that all the hands of the clock were pointing at 11.48. Shivers ran up his body & he felt a gush of cold wind behind his back.

Hey You !! Come. Follow Me !!

Inspector Robertson followed the Beast to the back of the room, a door opened up from beneath & they both went down the steps. He held on to his pistol, not knowing if he needed to use it later.. either to protect himself or to shoot any of The Malkaukines. When they reach the bottom of the stairs, Inspector Robertson stepped in front of Beast as it seems that all the commotion was at the front.

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Rows of skeleton heads were hung on the walls like trophies. This is beyond anything he's ever imagined. What are these people ?! At the corner of the room, The Malkaukines were locked up a huge cage... waiting

To read the previous 3 prompts related to this post, check out the below links...

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV




