Teacher's Diary

HI ! My name is Imene and this is my job story !

My first steps as a teacher

July 2022

"I managed to secure a job interview with the directors of three establishments of the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad). I was truly scared. However, deep down, I had confidence. After a few questions about the French school system and my knowledge and expectations regarding the position offered, I returned home relieved from the pressure that had accompanied me during these last endless weeks. I couldn't stop thinking about this particular professional meeting. I was searching for a clear answer, a form of approval from my potential employers. I kept thinking about their impassive faces, or as we say, 'their poker faces.' Fortunately, I was reassured by the smile of the HR manager. 'We will contact you soon!' she said. It's rather positive! Or not... I won't be able to decide until I receive confirmation from them... Towards the end of the summer, I got my answer.

September 2023
I received an email inviting me to an observation internship at one of the prestigious primary schools. I remember it very well; it was a Wednesday morning. It was really grey outside. I was anxious and happy at the same time. I must say I was eagerly awaiting this moment. At the same time, I had to pass several tests and be approved by the director.

For a period of 15 days, I observed and participated in some classroom activities under the supervision of the regular teacher. This included delivering lessons in mathematics, English, and language study. My mind was filled with a multitude of information. What I retained from my observations were: the writer's notebook, meditation, metacognition, sharing, verbalization, correction, differentiation, API, APCI, ebep. These were essential to foster a conducive learning environment for students and for better classroom management. I had to write an internship report in two weeks in which I had to choose a theme. I had to be precise, concise, coherent. All this in just four pages! It was done; all that was left was the validation from the inspector. The inspector... This word echoed in my head. It symbolizes the authority, the last resort, the person who controls everything and who decides your career as a teacher. It's quite an extraordinary character. He is both the big bad wolf and the powerful protector of children in particular and of education in general. Who knows, I might become an inspector in the future. To do this, it requires a lot of self-work and knowledge.

Well, I can tell you that today's teaching methods have changed a lot. It takes a lot of self-work and great adaptability. In other words, you must be like water that adapts to all forms.

Thank you for reading this far 😊 To be continued..."

En Français

Salut ! Je suis Imene et voici ma jobstory !

Mes premiers pas en tant qu’enseignante

Juillet 2022

"J'ai dĂ©crochĂ© un entretien d'embauche avec les directeurs de trois Ă©tablissements de l'AEFE (Agence pour l'Enseignement Français Ă  l'Étranger). Bien que terrifiĂ© au dĂ©part, une confiance profonde m'habitait. AprĂšs avoir rĂ©pondu Ă  quelques questions sur le systĂšme scolaire français et sur mes compĂ©tences, j'ai ressenti un soulagement en rentrant chez moi, dĂ©barrassĂ© de la pression accumulĂ©e pendant ces semaines interminables. Je ne pouvais m'empĂȘcher de repenser Ă  cette rencontre, cherchant une approbation claire de la part de mes potentiels employeurs. Leur impassibilitĂ© me prĂ©occupait, mais le sourire de la responsable des ressources humaines m'a rassurĂ© : "Nous vous contacterons bientĂŽt !" a-t-elle affirmĂ©. C'Ă©tait plutĂŽt positif ! Ou peut-ĂȘtre pas... La dĂ©cision finale dĂ©pendrait de leur confirmation...

En septembre 2023, j'ai reçu une invitation par e-mail pour un stage d'observation dans une prestigieuse école primaire. Je me rappelle encore de ce mercredi matin gris, anxieux mais heureux à la fois. Mon attente impatiente s'accompagnait d'une série de tests à passer et de l'approbation du directeur à obtenir.

Pendant quinze jours, j'ai observĂ© et participĂ© Ă  diverses activitĂ©s en classe sous la supervision de l'enseignant rĂ©gulier. Cela comprenait la conduite de cours de mathĂ©matiques, d'anglais et d'Ă©tude de la langue. Mon esprit bouillonnait d'informations diverses. Parmi les Ă©lĂ©ments marquants de mes observations figuraient : l'utilisation du cahier d'Ă©crivain, la mĂ©ditation, la mĂ©tacognition, le partage, la verbalisation, la correction, la diffĂ©renciation, l'API, l'APCI, et l'ebep. Ces pratiques Ă©taient cruciales pour crĂ©er un environnement d'apprentissage propice aux Ă©lĂšves et pour une meilleure gestion de classe. J'ai ensuite rĂ©digĂ© un rapport de stage en deux semaines, respectant les critĂšres de prĂ©cision, de concision et de cohĂ©rence sur seulement quatre pages. Il ne manquait plus que la validation de l'inspecteur, une figure tant redoutĂ©e mais aussi respectĂ©e dans le milieu de l'Ă©ducation. Peut-ĂȘtre que moi aussi, un jour, je deviendrai inspecteur. Mais pour cela, il faudra beaucoup de travail sur soi et sur ses connaissances.

Il est indĂ©niable que les mĂ©thodes d'enseignement ont considĂ©rablement Ă©voluĂ©. Il faut ĂȘtre prĂȘt Ă  s'adapter, tel l'eau qui s'adapte Ă  toutes les formes.

Merci de m'avoir lu jusqu'ici 😊 À suivre..."

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