The Lil Rascal

It's Friday whew!

I may sound like a broken record saying time is flying by quickly. Well, it feels so on most days. Sometimes I had to double-check the calendar thinking my eyes might have been mistaken but nope. The next thing is usually a mental trip (rewind) of how I spent the previous days and then I find myself mumbling, "Yeah, today is ____ (the day) indeed!"

That's probably how it will be for the rest of my adult life, not that I'm complaining. I'm thankful actually.

Anyhoo, the day started well and the whole of it has be en generally good. My Anyongi woke me up this morning in high spirits, he was even smiling😁

Yep, I have proof so he cannot deny it, lol!

He had been with us for over 8 months and this was the first time I caught him with a smiley face. I was just so amused when I got it on camera.😅

But wait, was he really smiling?

It's more like a naughty grin because he was successful in waking me up. Well, not that he fails on other days. Once the clock hits 5 am (or even earlier), he's there licking the face or worst, the ears. When you wouldn't budge, he'd lick the nostril with his wet, usually cold tongue.

Naughty boy, yeah?

Speaking of, we went for a short walk sometime in the day thinking it would clear the heavy head but the breeze kind of made it worse.

Well, at least the little guy had his dose of outdoor fun. He even gave me another chuckle when he did his thing in the middle of the road as he looked around like he was checking if someone (other than me) saw him.🤣

He's a wee rascal...

Although he still wanted to be out there, we had to come home sooner. Blame the headache. It felt like I had a hangover. I had to bathe and wrestle with him over the hairdryer. He still gets restless, but at least he no longer runs around. Besides, I trimmed his hair so the drying time was shorter.

The rain came around 1 pm so we spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch (literally), playing fetch at some point. This is him growling when he lost the ball🏐

Our mischievous lil darling knows how to get what he wants, LOL! Maybe he's just too spoiled (not so!). He is just loved❤️

That's just how our day went. We had fun, for sure, while the rain went pitter-patter up above our roof.

Have a terrific Friday, frens!

All photos and other media in this post are my own. 17052024/21:45ph

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