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The Problematic Path: Striving for Balance in a Turbulent World

edited using Canva. Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Nowadays I'm dealing with some major problems in my life that's always been like real suffering and it's not one thing but I'm surrounded from all directions in the arena.

every problem coming on my way wants to knock me out of this life I'm trying to build but well just need to man up and deal with it all at once.

So, let's not rant but talk about real problems and hopefully there will be some recommendations from you about it.

The Clock is Ticking: Yet searching a new home

Last month we were out of the city and the owner of house where we are tenants gave me time for a month to find new home because they've some relatives moving to this house.

It was very last moment and was like how come I'll find a new house it's not easy and when we shifted here about 7-8months ago I told that I'm not going to move elsewhere I need for a long term stay.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Well, since there was no written agreement and it was all words of that person that's now a reason I'm stressing about everyday.

I have exams in next month that's another problem but instead of preparation I'm trying to find a house.

Still I've like ten more days and trying to find it nearby this place... It's going to cost much more moving to other house and than finding the one with reasonable rent and electricity and gas bills are a separate issue.

This is a complete mess and before the time runs out I gotta do what's required and it's finding the house on rent in my budget.

The only solution to this problem is make enough money to own a house and that's like my purpose of life from last couple of years yet far away from achieving it is killing me everyday.

The problem in keeping things balanced

It's either going to be study or fully focused on crypto, I tried to keep things balanced but isn't working at all.

Image by rubylia from Pixabay

In about a month I've final exams and also halving of Bitcoin and than there's going to be many opportunities in the space that could change my life for good.

If it wasn't for my parents, I'd have already dropped it but since it's their dream and than there's my dream to keep them happy and give the life they wished for.

I have no way other than try best to adjust and make both of it my top priority. It's just costing nights and days but the efforts will be worth it at some point.

This is how I'm giving myself hopium (hope) and trying to give my best every day from first moment till the last.

Wrapping Up...

It's just a phase of life when I have all the responsibilities and I'm trying to look after it. Sometimes it just gets tough to make a decision but this is the only way to become better.

Anyway I hope I've not made you bored telling about my problems and I'd be looking forward to see what you say about it in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 13/03/2024.