Having a child is a whole new level of it's own, as a mother you have to be decisive on the things you wish to get for your child to make sure they get as comfortable as possible even as they grow up. After two months when my friend gave birth, we went to the market for some baby shopping. Baby was still too young for that market shopping but then we had to go with her to the market because there was no one at home to look after her.


That day we didn't really plan going to the market but then we realized that we needed to since there was a free ride to and from the market. In fact that was one reason why it felt a bit comfortable carrying little Cleopatra to the market. All through the journey Patra slept very well as that's what she always does, she loves it when she's been moved from one place to another.


She's a very healthy child and she eats very well too, she's just growing so fast and she keeps adding on more weight which was one reason why her mother thought of getting a baby carrier and some other things to make it easier for her to play and carry her where ever she wanted.


When we got to the market, we found this big shop that is mainly just for anything related to children. The shop has children toys, really huge ones and when I tried asking the lady who was in charge how much it costs, she said over $350 for a child's car . Good thing we didn't go there for that, it would have been a bit heartbreaking, hehe.

What we had in mind was a baby carrier and a baby rocker. The baby carrier cost over $11 while the baby rocker cost $21. We actually budgeted something lesser but then it was still a fair price so we had to go for them. We had to try out the baby carrier to see how it works but after my friend tried it on, she refused to take it off as baby Cleopatra felt so comfortable in it.



While we were still searching for other things to get for Baby Patra, we saw so many things that were quite enticing but then we had to stick with what we could afford and also what can be easily movable and won't occupy so much space. My friend only came to visit so it won't be wise buying so many things here since she was only planning to stay temporarily.


We saw this beautiful baby bed which was really comfortable and also moveable because it has tyres. But of course it was just for us to admire and nothing else.


There was also this section where baby soaps, creams and other skin products were. Baby's soap was really expensive at the ladies shop so we decided to get it else where.


We also saw this children's hair wardrobe which looked classy but not as classy as some others I've seen. To get this wardrobe, it can cost over $90 and above.


We saw other nice things but all I could do was take a shot of them but we couldn't get them due to financial constraints. You can as well take a look at them too. All that came to mind was how I can make sure to be successful so I can get enough things for my child too even if not all of them.






My sister was not happy that she couldn't get more things but then she promised to do better when she returns back to her resident. She loves to adore her baby so I'm very sure she would do even more.

That's all for my market Friday blog, it's not a recent market experience but it is one I looked forward to sharing and I'm glad that's happening now.

All Images used are mine

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