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Splinterlands: Call For SPS Delegation

Splinterlands: Call For SPS Delegation
Hello @Splinterlands lovers across the world, how are you doing? I hope the game is not as tough
as mine here. Splinterlands is becoming something else I don't expect. I believe with time, I will
explore this game.
Friends, success doesn't come easy unless your family has worked it out for you or you are
born with a silver spoon. That is when success can be easily achieved.
One of the way to explore is to engage in #nft and #play2earn game. There are testimonies
everyday of how some people are making money from them. A friend of mine made over $70k
in #nft and I wanted to be like him, I asked him the procedures; he gave me the link. I didn't
have the big money to put into it, I invested a small token worth $100 and I am getting a small
profit from it.
Imagine when I discovered Splinterlands, I was able to invest $100 then. I would have grown
more the level I am in right now.
I really believe in the adage that says, "make hay when sunshine."
Do the right thing at the right time and you will enjoy it stressless. People that started the
Splinterlands game from the beginning and invested in it are enjoying it right now. That is the
reason don't allow opportunity to elude you, make sure you make use of every opportunity that
comes in your way.
The opportunity to invest in Splinterlands is always open and never close. It doesn't take more
than $10 to start a business. All you need is commitment, dedication and readiness.
Splinterlands is one of the most play2earn games to grow easily.
Note: the world 🌍 🌎 is digital and you can access any through digital- wealth, assets, fame
and many more.
Then, don't be left out in this digital world 🌎🌎. This is the opportunity for you to be a among
one of the best #play2earn in the world. You don't need to stress yourself, all you need to do is
to register here and get spellbook for $10.
It is not finished from there; then, you can engage in Splinterlands social media challenge posts.
You write about Splinterlands games or anything related to Splinterlands; copy the link of the
particular post to Splinterlands social media challenge posts.
To get the details about how to write a good content that will earn your upvote; Splinterlands
social media
make sure you read it very well.
βœ…βœ…Renting Of SPS Is My Best Optionβœ…βœ…
Since the new update was initiated in Splinterlands; the land of Splinterlands has become the
land of battles that requires nuclear weapons to conquerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Gun is no longer a weapon to
us again in Splinterlands.
Battles are extremely tough, imagine playing 20 battles and I won 8.
This made me meditate, think and brainstorm my next thing to do. I realized that the best thing
is to rent SPS in the market. This will help one to earn daily and season rewards chests.
I have contacted some players in the discord channel and in hive comment. I knew that the best option for me to explore right now is to get SPS either by players or buying it.
I will be really happy if I can get someone to rent his SPS to me.

For 2 seasons now, my season rewards are not more than 12 of which I got more than 30
season rewards before the recent update.
Players who experience the same challenge like me should endeavor to rent SPS in the market;
that is the way we can explore for now.
I would have loved to purchase SPS, but I don't have the power to buy SPS because of my
recent state of economy; and can no longer wait because I am losing right now. I knew how
much I get per season.
@Sanjeev021, if you are interested in renting out a small portion of your SPS to me I will be
very happy. I have been looking for every means to grow my Splinterlands account and I
realized that I need SPS to play more games. I only have 2498 SPS and I need more.
Best Friends Love GIF by KennysgifsGute Nacht GIF by Vimodji
βœ…βœ…Call For SPS Delegationβœ…βœ…
Well! I need SPS right now either by delegation or by gift.
In the race to accumulate SPS, I sold Captain Ghost gold foil today which I had listed on the sale two weeks ago. Without wasting much time, I wanted to convert DEC to SPS which was not possible; only SPS to DEC was possible. I would have gotten 364 SPS if it were possible to convert the DEC to SPS.
When I knew that it was not possible to exchange through spilnterlands, I transferred the coins to hive-engine;

converted 7,375 DEC to 298 SPS, transferred the SPS back to my Splinterlands game.

Then, I staked 298 SPS

This is my total SPS staking.
I believe as time goes on, I will get more SPS from the game and I will buy more in the market.
I seriously need SPS right now, I need your help in delegating to my account for the time being. My Splinterlands username is @chrisamuda in case you want to help me; and if you want to give me, no amount is small. I will appreciate any amount you want to give me or delegate to me.

βœ…βœ…Splinterlands battleβœ…βœ…
I would like to share this brawl battle I played with a few days ago. Sometimes, playing against lower league players is difficult; the moment I saw the rules of the battle, I selected a summoner that gives speed to friendly monsters. One of my strategies against Explosive Weaponry is the speed; and that was what I did in this battle.
I knew Captain Katie would be very effective in this battle. Attacking health directly was my second strategy because of the armored up in the rulesets.


Explosive Weaponry: All monsters have the blast ability.

Taking Sides: Neutral monsters may not be used in battles.

Armored Up: All monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor.

Click here to watch the battle.

Uriel the Purifier

Splinter: Life
Level: 1
Ability: Recharge and Flying
Attack: Melee
Speed: 4
The health and armor of Uriel the Purifier is much; it won't be easy for my opponent to eliminate this monster in round one.
Uriel the Purifier was not eliminated in this battle.

Pelacor Conjurer

Splinter: Life
Level: 3
Ability: Flying
Attack: None
Speed: 5
Since there was explosive weaponry among the rules; to protect Djinn Renova from blast ability, I placed Pelacor Conjurer in the second position to take the blast ability.
Since Pelacor Conjurer is a non attacking monster, second position was the best position for this monster.

Djinn Renova

Splinter: Life
Level: 2
Ability: Strengthen
Attack: Magic
Speed: 4

Since there was armored up in the rulesets; using melee monsters would not be appropriate because the melee and ranged monsters would attack the armor before the health. I was looking for monsters that would attack the armor before health; that was the reason I used magic monsters more than any other monsters.

Captain Katie

Splinter: Life
Level: 1
Ability: bloodlust
Attack: Magic
Speed: 3
Captain Katie's bloodlust ability was incredible in this battle. Initially, the speed and magic of Captain Ghost was 3; as the monster was destroying opponent monsters, its glory was revealed more and more. It began to increase in speed, magic, armor and health.

Venari Crystalsmith

Splinter: Life
Level: 2
Ability: Healing
Attack: Range
Speed: 4
Venari Crystalsmith was needed because of the increasing health ability. This was to make sure Uriel the Purifier was not eliminated in this battle.


Splinter: Life
Level: 2
Ability: Scavenger
Attack: Melee
Speed; 4
Vulgine cannot attack in that position. I used the monster to delay from behind.

Episode 11 Mma GIF by UFC

What are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click My Referral Link to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that has changed the life of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives.
Register today, and you will thank me later.
Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV on discord where you can get access to the discord channel.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
β€œDiscouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge.
