I'm so fed up with the mentality of people these days

In general, you can call me calm.

I don't worry too much about things that are out of my control. That is of no use at all, because I can't change anything about it myself anyway. This attitude has often helped me to keep my wits about me. This attitude has also regularly helped me to control my temper, which I can have at times. But there are circumstances where I can get terribly out of my mind. And there are also circumstances where I can continue to be amazed at the guts of people. And not always in a positive sense.

In the countryside

We moved to the countryside for a few reasons. An important reason was, of course, our dogs! In the countryside it is generally a lot quieter, so no one should be bothered when the dogs bark enthusiastically again. That actually turns out to be the case, except for a single case, which has long since been resolved.

Besides being quieter, there is also more space, and living close to the woods should make it more pleasant to walk. At least, you should expect that. However? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was really our expectation when we moved here. Unfortunately, the reality turns out to be different.


Amazed by the garbage

From the very beginning that we lived here, and we went to the woods with the dogs every day for a walk, we were amazed at the amount of garbage that is left behind in the woods. You can find the strangest objects in the most unexpected places. I have already seen quite a few objects that I would not immediately expect to find in the woods, and that I think have been deliberately thrown there.

Rude behavior of people

We have also often been surprised that people have the guts to throw their waste in our front yard while driving. Bunch of idiots, how come they do that. Like I'm waiting to have to pay for their garbage? Yes I get it, the intention was of course to throw that empty bottle, can or cup on the roadside just in front of our driveway. But due to the speeding past at 80 km per hour, the speed was slightly higher than estimated, and it ended up per accident in our front yard. Yeah, I get that. But well, sorry! That doesn't make it any better! They could also buy that bottle, can or cup and took the trouble to take it with them in the car, so they can also take the trouble to take it home and throw it in their own bin. We don't have to pay for someone else's waste. The waste here has to be paid per kilo, and the prices are not cheap. So we try to use it as economically as possible, to create as little waste as possible. Thank you idiots for being kind enough to make sure that at least weekly I can pick other people's junk out of my front yard that costs us more. Very nice though…

The only thing I still think about that is that no one can hurt themselves, so it's not worth the effort to do report it. Unfortunately, that changed this week.


"Come and have a look!"

Last Monday morning my partner went to walk the dogs like every morning. We always walk along the ditch opposite our house with the dogs. Then they have something to sniff, and we keep an overview so that we are not being driven over by passing cars. Monday morning, however, my partner came in very indignant and said, "Come and have a look!". And to my surprise, about 10 wine bottles suddenly fell into the ditch. Apparently, someone was having a party... I have an idea who, but since I'm not sure who it was, I'm not going to make any statements about that. But that this is just downright rude, that should be clear. There are plenty of bottle containers in the village where one can dump the empty bottles. And if one managed to reach that same village to bring those bottles here, my guess is that they can also take the trouble to take those bottles away when they are empty.

Just dump the bottles in the ditch in front of our house. That just about makes me jump out of my panties with rage. And once again I realize how sad the mentality, principles, norms, and values of humanity in general are today

If only I knew who did that

I have no idea who does this, but the person who does this can expect no respect from me at all. We walk there daily with the dogs along that ditch. Now there are bottles of wine in the ditch, and along the ditch side there are also bottles of wine, of which at least one bottle is broken. Don't those idiots think about the damage this will do to the environment? And I don't even want to think about the animals that live here in the forest, the birds that live in that ditch! And don't those idiots think about the damage this can do to dog paws?


I've already experienced it once with Myla, she has already severed a tendon of her toe in the past because she had stepped into a piece of glass lying around. My god, that misery and such an operation. Not to mention those costs that I had to pay for this joke. I really don't want to experience that once again!

Unfortunately, there is so much more garbage

Careless thrown away by people, along the same ditch side! For example, empty cans, which can be just as dangerous. Now after seeing that huge amount of bottles of wine, (man, we don't drink even that much in 2 years!), I was really fed up. I wish I had seen who had thrown them there, then I would have made them climb into the ditch and get it all out again. I would've made them clean up everything, but unfortunately I didn't see it, so I did the only thing I could do. Got my phone, took pictures, and sent them to the municipality with a report. Hopefully it will be cleared up soon. We have thought about whether we should remove it, but purely on principle we refuse to clean up the garbage from someone else, also having to incur costs for it. They can do that themselves, and otherwise the municipality. They have people who are paid to do that, and we already pay enough for that.


Phew, my first rant on Hive, hopefully it clears my mind up, and take the anger out...

Tomorrow back to the order of the day with the everyday objects!

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