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I Was Still Sleeping | My Listnerds Experience

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Are you awake yet?

Now you're probably thinking, what are you talking about? Jesus, I read your blog anyway. Of course I'm awake! But is that really so? I dare say there are still an awful lot of people sleeping here on the Hive Blockchain! Yes, I dare to say something, huh? Sorry folks, I mean it too!

Of course I'll also explain what I'm talking about. Saying there are a lot of sleepers and then not explaining what I mean is not stylish, is it? So take a seat, and dive with me into the world of:


So many blogs have been written about how it works. There are already so many tutorials that explain to you in the smallest detail what you can do. I don't feel compelled to write the 913th blog that will tell you the steps on how to create a Listnerds account, or how your mailbox works. That you have to sit and wait for your gmail, or protonmail, or hotmail to receive the e-mails. Then you can wait a long time.


ON-SITE Mails!

Oh wait, I'm going one step too fast. It starts of course with telling that Listnerds is a mailer! Now you understand what I mean by “your mailbox”. As soon as you open a Listnerds account you will receive your on-site mailbox there! THERE you will receive emails every day. And believe me, there are quite a few. You can open these emails every day, and don't forget to click the LINK that you can find in each email. Exceptions here and there of people who make a mistake and do not send a link, (yes I speak from experience, that has happened to me before). Good for clicking this link you will receive MAIL tokens. And you can use these MAIL tokens. We'll come back to that later.

Click the link!

You have now clicked the link. Often this is a link that points you to someone's blog on Hive, but it can also be that someone sends you a link for a referral program. Links are sent for affiliate programs, mailing lists, etc. You really get a variety of emails in your on-site inbox. And every link you click earns MAIL tokens for you, but it does more! Once you have clicked the link, you can also upvote or downvote the sent email. This is indicated by a BLUE arrow up or a GREEN arrow down. Blue is of course an upvote, and green is a downvote. The aim is to upvote good content and downvote bad content. You can judge for yourself what you think is good or bad content!


Voting Explained

How you can vote for all the mails you receive, that again has to do with the number of CTP you have staked within the Listnerds system. If you don't have a CTP yet, and also don't see an option to buy CTP, you can vote 4 emails, after which you have to wait until your voting power is full again. However, it's definitely worth buying that CTP, even if it's for a small amount like 1500 CTP, which won't break the bank for most people. This way you get a lot more voting power, so you can vote a lot more emails, and therefore earn more CTP. Oh, didn't I say that already? Sorry, you also earn CTP for voting on emails!
Well now we've talked about reading, opening, clicking and voting on other people's mails. But then the time has come, you will send your first email yourself! The party can start, and at the same time the tension is rising because will your mail be verified? I cannot tell you WHAT you are going to send, because that is entirely up to you. But very common, and generally well appreciated, is that you share your Hive blog via Listnerds. You also reach a different audience for your blogs with this, and often more engagement on your blogs!


Affiliate marketing origins

That alone is worth it, but don't forget that Listnerds originated from affiliate marketing, so sharing referral links is definitely an option too. It's really all up to you. As long as you include a clickable link, you have a chance that your mail will be verified. What happens after you send your email is that you have to wait 7 days, you need 20 upvote points, and the downvote points you get are deducted from your upvote points. In these 7 days people can still influence your total score, but on the 7th day you know whether your mail will get verified, or not. An email has a 7 day vote window. And if your mail is verified, (20 or more upvote points), then the party is on the 8th day! Because now you're going to claim your deserved Listnerds. Remember, these Listnerds are coming staked on your account! This is not a bad thing, because now you will receive more Listnerds from the next day, even if you do not have mail that is paid. Staking Rewards! Hello Free Monies!


Unstaking Listnerds

I don't think I'm going to talk about the unstaking of the Listnerds just yet. Or… well, okay, very briefly! It takes 10 weeks to unstake Listnerds, and you don't get a part of that every week as you are maybe used to with Hive. You just get 10 weeks still no Listnerds, and after that you will receive all Listnerds you have unstaked at once. Here you have to remember that you will NOT receive staking rewards for the Listnerds you have in the unstaking process. So it is not wise to unstake all your Listnerds at once. Blain, Jon & Eliana have thought about this!

This blog has actually gotten longer than I expected, and now I still have to start explaining why I think you're still sleeping if you haven't become Nerdy yet. LOL.


So let me start by telling you about my experience with Listnerds.

I was there almost immediately and immediately thought it was a very interesting concept. I started with a free membership and after a month or so I took out a premium membership. That is the cheapest paid membership. You can read all the advantages of a paid membership compared to a free membership on the website. But the biggest advantage back then, I THOUGHT, was that you could send multiple emails a week. And I THOUGHT that 3 emails a week with premium would be enough because I no longer have such a tight blogging routine. (I'm rolling my eyes up now because that's something I really need to pick up). With my 3 emails a week, and the stake rewards of course, I saw my Listnerds stake grow nicely. Until I decided to choose Enterprise for a month after my one month of premium. And believe me, I thought Enterprise wouldn't add much value, and that it was actually expensive anyway.


That thought turned out to be completely wrong!

With an enterprise membership you get a solo mail as a gift, and let that one solo mail actually be enough to recoup your membership costs for that month! How great is that? Then we haven't even mentioned that with an enterprise membership you can send 2 emails every day in addition to that one solo-mail (which is always verified). Yup, 2 emails a day! Knowing that the rewards per mail are on average above 100 Listnerds. Then you understand, right? Enterprise is not too expensive for what you get! On the contrary!

In addition to that solo-mail and 2 mails a day, you also earn mail tokens faster that you can use to send your mail to more people. Or to save them until you can send a solo email again. What should certainly not go unmentioned is that with an enterprise membership you automatically send your mail to 5000 people, so that the chance of being verified is much greater, and it costs you NO mail tokens. So you can save the MAIL tokens until you have 15000 and send your next Solo mail with it. Which is therefore always automatically verified, regardless of the number of votes, and which is paid out the next day.


So so many advantages to an Enterprise Membership, that I was soon convinced and kept opting for Enterprise.

But still, I still slept.

Because what I realized least of all was how much I really earned. And how much I left behind in the days when I had an Enterprise membership, but did not send 2 emails a day. Even days when I didn't send an email. Not a few days, but sometimes just 5 days in a row. And that's stupid, because even with not sending mail every day and not having an Enterprise Membership from the start, I managed to build a Listnerds stake of over 10,000 Listnerds.


The earnings are mindblowing!

And here's what I'm trying to say here, 1 Listnerd is worth 2 Hive, and if you really need to dump for whatever reason, there's a buywall on Hive-Engine! This buywall was set up by the team behind CTP and Listnerds, and is also maintained by them. This buywall is at 1.5 Hive for 1 Listnerd. So let's say that in the worst case scenario your earned Listnerds have to be sold for 1.5 Hive.

Only yesterday evening did I realize how much this actually is. I almost fell off of my chair! Even now that the Hive price is no longer at $3 per Hive, I can say that I NEVER even thought of earning this much, not even in my wildest dreams. In just a few months I earned nearly a 5 digit number! Gosh, in just such a short time? Incredible!


YOU can do this too!

The great thing is that you can do this too! If you're not a NERD yet, sign up now! (Yes, this is a referral link and I'd be very grateful if you'd like to use it ). But other than that, you don't need anything special! Anyone can do this, and I am living proof of this.

Thank you for reading my ramblings, have a great day!