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Weekly content: A Day President..

Hello people of hive it a big time here again to be part of this great community and to be taking part in this content creation of the hive learner community.. Most times I have been thinking within myself, if I was given a chance to do some things or if I was given a chance to be a president for a day, what are the things I would do ..


I have alot of things on my table which I wish I can do to the country that will make it a better place if I have my chance.. I shall be listing some of it now which I believe if I am chance to be a president for a day,the things I will do...
The first is;

  • Provisions of employment to the youth: As a youth, there are a lot of things which you think of every time as always want to over come over come them at all cost because you are actually preparing for your future..when a youth have enough to feed on, they will be able to setup their self and be able to plan ahead their future and not to beg before they can do anything.
    That's why this days you see most youths going into what they are not suppose to do just because they can't get what they wanted.

  • Provisions of some basic amenities to where it is needed: As we all know that some states are actually not able to manage the scare resources we have around the world.. which is why I would try reaching out to the governors of each states and Lias with them to know what they will be needing if it will be in my capacity to share it for them..

  • Provisions of food: As you can see this days, people are hungry for food and there is not surplus enough and this is making everyone strive too hard to feed and also no money in the system.. if I am permitted for just a day, I will be willing to do all this within my power..

I will ensure I make a difference just for a day as a president...
