Oslo Hackathon update - 16th October, 2016

Hello Steemians,

Another great day in Oslo with great minds and community developers. Yesterday hackathon part of the event concluded. There was project pitching and some interviews that I think will be published by @bitspace soon, look out for that if you have missed live sessions.

@xeroc, @svk and @cass talked about Steem Trezor in details, what are the future plans and how to move forward with project and bring the product to the community and users. In short, firmware or the low level coding is working. Some more tests for security and building front end for ease of access, working together with satoshilabs to make branded Steem Trezor. Looking forward to get Steem Trezor and try it out.

@furion and @noisy talked about SteemQ. Decentralized YouTube alike service that will not only give control over your content but rewards content creators. Powered by Steem. In short, @furion shares his excitement about future of the project and how this hackathon helped to redefine some points, work/improve model so that by the end of this year users can have demo version of the service and know more about detailed roadmap.

@furion is also looking for Web front-end developer to join the team, make sure to get in touch with him if you have skill-set and want to contribute!

I have talked about eSteem and future developments what users might expect. It is all about users and how they would like to use mobile and desktop (coming soon) app. Get in touch make sure to request the features you would like to see on eSteem. How you would like to reach out to your followers and build your branding on Steem blockchain or social platform that rewards its users. Also, talked about what features currently available: beside posting, commenting, voting; users of eSteem can set their profile picture, cover picture, bookmark posts that they want to read later, save draft of unfinished posts, view post images in gallery mode, transfer funds with QR codes, search through your follower list, check other user's profile, more importantly notifications on received vote, comments, follower and many more hidden gems.

Also briefly talked about eSteem desktop app that will be announced soon with initial release.
What features it will have and what are the advantages of using these standalone apps. Also looking for contributors to eSteem project, designer and web developer, comment below or reach out directly through https://steemit.chat/direct/good-karma .

Hackathon concluded with project pitch awarding that winner turned out to be all projects and each project will receive 2000 SP from Steemit Inc. Congratulations to everyone and keep up the great work guys!

Also if you have been following live sessions and some posts, thoughts on forming Foundation (that will support various projects powered by Steem and getting closer to community and working with them, communicating better, etc.) is already in process and more on that will announced in coming weeks by Steemit.

Thank you for organizers @bitspace and sponsors Steemit Inc. for this event and bringing community together and working towards collaboration!

Follow for future updates on eSteem, Steem Monitor and many other projects that I'm currently working and contributing!

Don't forget to vote good-karma #42 for witness

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