good-karma witness update - 13th January, 2017

Hello Steemians,

This is quick witness update post that will provide some insight about my recent works.

Summary: upgraded witness node to latest version 0.16.1, worked eSteem mobile to implement improvements and some exciting new features and major release will be announced tomorrow, worked with eSteem translators and initiated giveback to encourage and reward contribution. We have around 58 people joined translation team. And many languages being reviewed, translated, modified, being tested on app. Two other Steem related projects, I am working on, more details on that soon! :) Every vote on witness and blog posts are much appreciated! Your support allows me to work further on improvements and bring more exciting projects.


  • Witness good-karma upgraded node to latest release, upgrade went quite straight-forward, easy. Witness parameters still 4% APR, price feed bias -1.5% discount.

  • eSteem - next major update for mobile app is almost ready with great new features, such as multiple draft and bookmark manager which can be accessed across devices when you switch from mobile app to desktop app. My image gallery feature where user can manage uploaded images and also access their images across devices. And Market place for apps and plugins within eSteem. This feature is another step forward for eSteem being platform in itself. More details, look out for tomorrow's announcement post. Desktop app update will follow next week including some recent changes and more.

  • eSteem translation - worked with some new translation contributors (58 members). Thank you for supporters, we have given back some rewards to Russian and German language contributors. Please join translation team! In next translation update I will provide more details.

That's all for now, thank you for reading quick update and continuing to support my works. Be sure to vote witness and follow me @good-karma.

Your ever well-wisher,

Vote witnessgood-karma#25

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