eSteem Status page


Having monitoring or status page is a must thing when you providing services to many users across the globe, so that those users can hold you accountable and at the same time it gives them assurance in down times knowing that technical issues/errors happens and team is working to getting service back online.

Did you know eSteem have a lot of services located on different servers? It has API server (separately rented server) and API service (script working on that server) which allows some of the major eSteem functions such as drafts, schedules, gallery, etc. to work properly. Also there are eSync server and service helping to sync different events from Steem blockchain and could be used outside of eSteem as well. Currently we are using eSync to show you all the events in Activities tab of eSteem Mobile and Surfer apps. There are also Image servers and services are used to upload store images for your posts and let you see all your images uploaded inside one gallery in eSteem apps. And there is schedules service for planning the posting times for your convenience. Notification service responsible for delivering your notifications on time. We have been using this service for internal tracking of each service and planning to add more of our services to this page so you as a user can check status of the service and poke us if you see it being down for some reason to get it working again :)

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Checking for the status

Most of the time our services are all working fine but for your convinience we've created a status page where you can check status realtime if everything is green then all eSteem functions should be working fine. If something is still not working while everything is green this means the problem is not on eSteem side but perhaps connection issue or something else, which you can still report to us to follow up. We are quite happy that our down times in all services has been less than 1%.


Hope this small service will be helpful for you to continue enjoying eSteem experience.

Available at

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