eSteem - iOS v1.4.7, eSteem invites, Share, Post language, Vote count, Voting decimals, many more

We are pleased to announce next release of eSteem mobile for iOS. This release has major new changes as well as number of bug fixes, performance improvements. If you have reported any issue, please review them and let us know if you still have them. For full details of the changelog and new changes, please read below. We had to push 2 release within last few days in order to fix iOS 9.x issues. That's why iOS version jumped from 1.4.5 to 1.4.6 and now 1.4.7.

What's eSteem

For those who find eSteem related post first time and don't know what eSteem is: It is mobile and desktop application for Steem! eSteem is offering some of the unique features (Bookmarking, Post Drafts, Image upload/capture, Personal Gallery, Notifications, many more) for mobile users! Evolution of eSteem desktop app is under development.

eSteem supports multi-currency where you can see post rewards in any currency you like (BTC, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, JPY, KRW, INR, CNY etc.), multi-language (44+) where you can use app in any language you are familiar with, multi-account where you can add more than one account and easily change between accounts, multi-chain where you can use both Steem and Golos chains, multi-notifications where you can get notification for your multiple accounts for following activities Vote, Follow, Unfollow, Mention, Comment, Reblog, Scheduled post publish, etc!

Check out this blog @good-karma for more related posts and latest announcements.

What's new

  • iOS 8.x support is removed in favor of more newer iOS versions and some incompatibility issues are resolved.
  • eSteem shares - after Android release, a lot of feedback was given by users that they want ability to share post links not only through SMS and Email but with other social networks. So we have added custom linking on sharing. When posts are shared with this feature, they will have link esteem://category/author/permlink structure and if user has eSteem installed on their devices it will open eSteem app and redirect user to that particular post.
  • eSteem invites - you can now invite your friends throuh eSteem invites, this is initial implementation which we plan to improve with future releases. Open any post and click on Share button on top right corner and share post through Email/SMS. Your friend willr receive invitation and if you they app install it will open post you shared directly inside app, if they don't have app, it will redirect them to download app from relevant app store.
  • Post language - submit story Advanced option extended with language selection, user have option to select post language which will automatically add it as a suggested tag.
  • Vote count - profile page improved, you can see your daily voting count next to your voting power.
  • Voting decimals - voting slider has decimal points now ranging from 0.01 to 100.
  • New languages - English GB, English CA, Albanian, Bengali, Catalan, Nepali, Norwegian, Slovak, Tamil
  • Other language updates and improvements
  • Reputation/User data update frequency changed
  • Keyboard hide toolbar on Editor
  • Camera permission fix
  • Image caching fail-safe switch if source is not available
  • Night mode coloring changes and fixes
  • Username, Tags field filters to clear out mistyped characters like @, #, etc.
  • PIN code page fixes for right to left languages and other small improvements
  • A lot of performance optimizations
  • Various small bugs


AppStore - iOS (iPhone, iPad) - v1.4.7 Google Play - Android - v1.4.6
Get eSteem on AppStore Get eSteem on Google Play

We appreciate reviews and feedbacks on Apple AppStore and Google Playstore as well as ProductHunt.

If you have suggestions or found a bug, please report them here with comments or on Github and we will work on them as soon as we can.


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