eSteem - iOS update v1.2.0 (iPhone, iPad notifications)

Recent major eSteem mobile app update is now available on iOS, Apple users as well.

In addition to eSteem Android 1.2.0 changes, this version is the first one for iOS users to have push notifications.

What's new

  • First Notifications service on iOS for eSteem/Steem.
  • Landscape support
  • Save For Later Posting
  • Action in middle
  • Search feature is refined for better user experience
  • Voting and posting improvements

iOS Apple AppStore

if upgrade fails for unknow reason, please give it few hours, sometimes it takes upto 24 hours until update is distributed across Apple servers. Few users last time had upgrade issues, but after restart it got resolved.

Enable notifications from earlier post

More exciting changes

v1.2.1 is almost ready to push forward. Currently, doing few more tests, this version will also blow your mind with improvements and neat features that gives you joy while using it :-)


Thank you for all users who are giving valuable feedback and with each new update, app is getting more stable.
iOS users, please give your feedback on this version so that v1.2.1 can include improvements. There are few already been patched on v1.2.1 thanks to Android users, hope if we discover more iOS specific issues, that will get patched as well.

Follow @good-karma for future updates and don't hesitate to leave review on Google Play or iOS App Store.

EDIT: App is opensource and in case you are worried about your passwords please check

Note: Are you concerned about your private key or password? post about security.

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