eSteem - iOS 1.2.2 released, Advanced login, Signup, Patch post edits, Photo inclusion on posts, New navigation filter

iOS, Apple version of eSteem is out for iPhone and iPad users. This is slightly different than last [Android version]( because it includes extra signup functionality and some fixes.

What's new

  • Advanced login, with posting and active private key for security concerned users/whales.
  • Sign up, via since I have been getting number of users who find app from stores and got interest who is not familiar with crypto world, so for now directing them to steemit to signup. Working on in app sign ups.
  • Patch post/comment edits so it saves storage on blockchain.
  • Photo inclusion, capture, select upload picture while writing comment or post within app.
  • New navigation filter for quick access to trends.

Next update is almost ready with a lot note improvements and features.

Thank you for users for their valuable feedback, it is helping to move app development forward and with each update it is getting better and better!

iOS AppStore

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