eSteem - Calling For Volunteer Translators, #15, Get Reward

Thank You to all contributors for helping with translation of eSteem to their own native languages! We are working on eSteem desktop app which will have new look, better usability and scalability also latest development changes from mobile version will be migrated. Stay tuned for next major release of eSteem mobile as well as desktop wallet app.

What's eSteem ?

For those who find eSteem related post first time and don't know what eSteem is: It is mobile and desktop application for Steem! eSteem is offering some of the unique features (Bookmarking, Post Drafts, Image upload/capture, Personal Gallery, Notifications, many more) for mobile users! Evolution of eSteem desktop app is under development.

eSteem supports multi-currency where you can see post rewards in any currency you like (BTC, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, JPY, KRW, INR, CNY etc.), multi-language (44+) where you can use app in any language you are familiar with, multi-account where you can add more than one account and easily change between accounts, multi-chain where you can use both Steem and Golos chains, multi-notifications where you can get notification for your multiple accounts for following activities Vote, Follow, Unfollow, Mention, Comment, Reblog, Scheduled post publish, etc!

Check out this blog @good-karma for more related posts and latest announcements.

Translation platform Crowdin

We are using Crowdin to help not only translators and proofreaders, but as well as because of its easy integration with github source code and easy management.

Crowdin offers automatic suggestions which should help translator to be more productive so we save your time as well as ours. Also you can see what's translated, comments on specific phrases, etc.

Current Status

If you don't find your language, come join us and help to have eSteem in your own, native language.

Join here:

All translation credits are being added in About Page of the app! If your username needs correction or addition, please let us know! These translations and credits are being added to eSteem desktop app as well as website.


With help of community and voters, we have rewarded selfless/voluntary contribution for Russian and German, Greek, Polish, Spanish, Chinese (traditional), Hungarian, Bulgarian, Chinese simplified, Swedish, Indonesian, Malay, Ukrainian, Filipino, Croatian, Persian and Arabic, Italian, Czech, French, Lithuanian, Latvian, Japanese, Netherlands, Portuguese, Hebrew, Finnish, Dolan, Portuguese Brazil, Bosnian, Hindi, Korean, Urdu Pakistan, Thai, Catalan community translators!


All rewards from this post goes to new and remaining translation contributors (with extra surprise).

We want to give back to the contributors and people voluntarily acting for the good of many, translating tools, making it easy to use for newcomers and helping to grow different language users as well as attracting other cultures and users around the world! If you don't find your language and want to contribute, please suggest language name in comments and we will add that...

Note: few new phrases will be added before next release, be sure to check periodically to not miss updates.

Come join us:

Thank you for reading, collaborating, contributing and supporting,
@good-karma & @testz

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