Striking the balance between love and money

At one point in life, there comes a time when we are at a cross road, not sure of the right way to go because we feel like going both ways and even though one way seems right, we know it can't be too right, and that's the dillema a friend of mine is currently faced with, already at her marriageable age, her long time boyfriend is yet to hit the big bag and even has to depend on her most times for financial assistance, while her parent already has a ready made suitor for her, a successful business man who would give her the comfortable life she dreams of, but she wasn't in love with him,


The irony of life we don't understand, she asked if I could help her make a choice, of course I know it's not my place to make such decision for her, as marriage is a life time deal and one thing I'm sure of from my own years of experience in marriage is that love alone cannot sustain a home, you think money can? No, having money doesn't guarantee a happy marriage, if not why do we have these rich celebrities getting a divorce in less than one year in marriages, this further proves that as with everything in life, there is a need for balance and that includes the balance between love and money.

This not only applies to marriage or romantic relationships, our daily lives are affected by the same choice,take for instance career-wise, Money is no doubt, a very essential need for humans to survive, live a comfortable life, be able to afford the things you desire, quality education, experience the things most people only dream of, it gives security and confidence, however, the quest for wealth makes some of us enslave our youth working tirelessly day and night, stressing and doing jobs we are not passionate about, also sacrificing family time, but we are also constantly faced with the pressure to climb the corporate ladder or accumulate more wealth.

On the other hand, following one passion career-wise often gives us a sense of purpose and makes us feel fulfilled, you know that sense of satisfaction, waking up every day and doing the things you love, not just for the money, it is less like a job or a means to an end when you do what you love doing,

But the downside is your passion may not give you the financial freedom you need to live a comfortable life most people find a passionate job as a less conventional one, we have heard stories of how popular musicians like the Nigerian artist Falz was forced to study law which his father find more respectable as a career path compared to his passion 'Music', even though he went to school to please his father's desire to become lawyer, he still redirected his steps to his passion, and today, he is one of the successful Nigerian rapper/singer, proving that following our passion doesn't necessarily mean that we've chosen to neglect wealth.

Striking the balance between Love and Money.

On the perpetual quest to fulfill life, the indecision/argument between love and money doesn't necessarily need choosing one over the other, Striking a balance between these two aspects is key to achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. Here are a few thoughts to help guide us into finding that delicate balance.


1. Aligning Passion with Practicality

Just like the musician whose father thought making music was a total waste of time and wouldn't give him a life of financial freedom, he proved his father wrong by being practical with his chosen passion, he didn't stop at singing at home, he Identified areas where his passion intersects with practicality, by monetizing his passion, Can your passion be channeled into a viable career or a side hustle?it is important for us to find the intersection, therefore making us lead a life of fulfillment and financial stability.

2. Financial Literacy

It is not enough to be passionate and monetize your passion, how financially literate are financial literacy helps us make informed decisions concerning our finances and Understand budgeting, investments, and long-term goals and financial planning, having this knowledge empowers us to pursue our passions without compromising our financial well-being.

3. Prioritizing Well-Being

Take your mental and physical well-being very important, what is the essence of working your whole youth ignoring family, friends, or any close relations? No one can live as an island, we all need love and care at one point in life, throwing all of that away because of the quest to make wealth doesn't always end well, A life solely focused on money may lead to burnout, affecting overall health. Prioritize self-care, take breaks, and indulge in activities that bring joy.

4. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Embrace a mindset of change, continuous learning, and adaptation. The world is changing every day, so is our interest, it is important to be open to change, if your passion seems to be threading on a path that is outdated and has no hope fir a financial breakthrough, why not accept the change and pick a new interest, even conventional jobs are being taken over by AI these days, learn to evolve with the fast changing world.

5. Marriage needs both money and love
One might not be the richest but have a lovely home filled with love, but embarking on a lifetime journey with someone who cannot take care of himself in the name of love is already a broken union before it even starts, with marriage Jones expenses, especially when blessed with children, it is better to encourage your fiance to get something doing and be sure the income can sustain you both while you keep trying your best to grow both in love and in your finances, because they compliment each other, and a marriage out of greed won't last either, love holds a strong place in helping us endure with a spouse in their town moment. Try to strike a balance, you don't have to make a choice.

In life in general, the "love or money" crossroad is a thread that weaves through everyone's story. It's essential to recognize that these elements are not mutually exclusive; rather, they can complement and enrich each other when approached with mindfulness and balance. Ultimately, the pursuit of a fulfilling life involves aligning personal passions with financial stability, ensuring that love and money coexist harmoniously on the journey towards a meaningful existence.

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