Yummy Avocado Pancake...

Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of the Hive Learners Creative Sunday Initiative with George Dee.

It's been two weeks since I last participated, and I really miss sharing my kitchen experiment here. I have been very busy offline and hope not to skip any Creative Sundays for the rest of the year.

Today, I made an avocado pancake, and it's another delicious pancake recipe you can enjoy with your friends and family. This recipe is quite simple to prepare, and you don't need any special skills to make the magic happen.

The ingredients used are:

  • Flour
  • Avocado
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Baking powder
  • Eggs
  • Groundnut oil.


  • I started by processing the recipe into what I needed.

  • I removed the back of the avocado and cut the fruit into a bowl.

  • I broke the eggs as well and set them aside.

  • I put the avocado, eggs, sugar, salt, and milk in a blender and blended them together. It doesn't have to be smooth, and you can let it blend longer if you want a smooth fluid.

  • After blending them together, I turned the fluid into a bowl.

  • I poured some of the flour into the fluid and started mixing until it became a batter.
  • I set the batter aside and covered it for about five minutes before moving on to the main process.

  • I heated my pan and added a little oil. The oil is to prevent the batter from sticking to the pan, so it's just a little.

  • I spread the oil in the pan and lower the cooker's heat to the lowest I can.

  • I poured the batter with a cup into the hot pan and allowed it to cook for a minute.

  • After a minute, I flipped the pancake and allowed the other side to cook as well.

  • I repeated the process for the remaining batter and used honey as the topping in the end.

Although I didn't use much avocado, the taste and nutrients of the fruit were present in the snack. I really enjoyed this with my family and neighbors; you should also try it at home.

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