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The Audition Of A Lifetime.

"So this will be the end of everything we shared," Bianca stuttered, holding Richard's hands.

Bianca paused to catch her breath as tears gently rolled down her cheek. She gently wiped her face and held Richard's face with her wet palm.

"I never knew a day like this would come, and this is probably what they call fate. I am really going to miss you," Bianca's voice trembled.

"But it's not like I am going abroad to get executed, and if my dad hadn't insisted, I wouldn't have considered traveling abroad to continue my studies," Richard replied, wrapping his hands around Bianca.

He continued, "I will miss you more, and please, this isn't the end of us. After my graduation, I will make more money and bring you over there."

"It's okay! Seeing you cry breaks my heart." Richard kissed her on the forehead, and Bianca burst into laughter immediately.

"Is that part of the script too?" Richard asked, staring at the script he was holding.

"It's not, but you know it tickles when you kiss my forehead, right?" Bianca replied as she drew away from Richard.

"You are not serious, is this what you will say at the audition as well?" Richard asked.

"Hell no! No man is kissing me and not even on my cheek at the audition," Bianca replied.

"So how do you want to evoke emotions? You really have to make it feel real," he replied and put the script he was holding aside.

Richard reached for the cold bottle of water sitting on the table before him and took a sip.

"Babe, you know really well that I can never get the lead role. I just want to be on that set because that movie is going to be a hit," Bianca said to her fiance immediately after she took a sip from the bottle as well.

"Never say never, dear. You really don't know what the future holds, so just give this shot your best," Richard replied.

"I wish I could believe in myself just like you believe in me. Can we start all over again?" Bianca muttered.

"Not today again, I have a football match to watch in 15 minutes. Sorry dear," Richard replied.

Bianca started grumbling about the football match, and Richard left the room before she turned on the persuasive side of her.

It wasn't Bianca's first time trying to get a lead role in a movie, but she had never been lucky despite her talent. She always had something that disqualified her while auditioning, and the last time was her height.

"You are perfect for this role, but we need someone taller." The producer's excuse to disqualify her in the last audition still rings in her head, and she had already developed a terrible mindset about her skills. Richard was her biggest fan, and he was always encouraging her not to give up on her dreams of becoming a renowned actress.

One of the biggest movie projects in the country was about to kick off, and Richard felt it could be a perfect shot for Bianca to put herself on a big stage. Without informing her, Richard applied for the movie auditioning on her behalf and was really intentional about helping her get the lead role in the project.

Every evening, the lovers rehearsed the script given by the movie producers, and Bianca was making good progress.

"Honey, we have to round things up since the audition is in a week. I already ordered a dress for you as well because everything must be perfect," Richard told Bianca while rehearsing a week before the audition.

"A week? I have mastered my lines very well, so there is nothing to be worried about, and thanks for the dress." Bianca kissed Richard on the cheeks and continued with the rehearsal.

""It's okay! Seeing you cry breaks my heart." Richard kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tightly.

"It's not as easy as you think. I have heard stories of how men travel abroad and forget their lover here," Bianca replied, sobbing heavily.

"Where is the trust between us? Or I should probably run away from home so that we can be together," Richard replied, caressing Bianca's hair.

"No, I don't want that. Your dad worked so hard to make this happen, and his efforts mustn't go to waste," Bianca replied, still sobbing, and the rehearsal continued for some minutes.

"You see, I told you I was ready, but you didn't believe it," Bianca said to Richard, who was applauding his fiancee after the rehearsal.

"Yes, you are, and I am proud of you," Richard replied, and Bianca blushed listening to her fiance's sweet words.

The big day came, and the lovers were dressed for the audition.

"I really shouldn't be there, but I just can't sit at home," Richard said while readjusting his fiancee's necklace.

"Having you there will make me happy, and who knows if your absence is the cause of all the previous rejection?" Bianca replied.

"Forget about the past because this is your time," Richard assured her, and they set out for the venue.

"Bianca Daniels," Fred, the producers called when it was her turn for the audition.

"Are you guys together?" He asked, noticing Bianca and Richard holding hands.

"Yes, he is my fiance and manager. He is a good actor as well," Bianca replied, and Richard was speechless as he couldn't comprehend his fiancee's response to the producer.

"That's fantastic! It would have been great if he applied for the audition as well, or did you?" Fred asked.

"He didn't, but I bet he knows the script better than any actor here," Bianca whispered to the producer.

"Wow! You two can come in then, none of the guys here have been impressive the whole time," Fred replied.

"What are you doing?" Richard asked Bianca as they walked behind Fred.

"This could be our opportunity," Bianca replied.

"Our? It's your dream, or have you forgotten that I am a lawyer?" Richard asked.

"Yes, you are, but work is not fine. The field is tough, so just consider this a side hustle," Bianca stuttered. She persuaded him, and he finally agreed to give it a try.

They went into the audition room and Richard heart raced since it was his first time. Bianca noticed he was restless and held hands while they were been addressed by the producer.

"We can do it, okay?" She whispered to Richard and he put up a light smile.

Immediately after the brief chat about their roles, the lovers swung into action.


"Wow! This is exactly what we need, the emotions, connection, lines, and every other thing were intact," Fred said as he joined Richard and Bianca on the stage.

"Where have you guys been? Don't tell me talents have been kept all this while," Fred said to the lovers, and Bianca was excited.

"We have been around, but things are just tight," she replied, grinning from ear to ear.

Fred got into a deeper discussion with them about the project, and Richard became more interested. They scheduled an appointment to discuss again, and the lovers left the venue happily.

"You hated me earlier, right? Now you are happy," Bianca teased Richard.

"Don't mind me. It happened really fast, and I felt like you did set me up," Richard replied.

"I can't believe we got the role, and you are indeed my lucky charm. Thanks honey," Bianca hugged him tight, and Richard kissed her forehead.

"I told you never say never, we are about to become a celebrity couple. I am sure the industry didn't see that coming," Richard replied, and they both burst into laughter.