My New Laptop Is Taking Over

My new Lenovo ThinkBook arrived yesterday and I finally moved most of my Hive-related activity on it.

That's the first photo I took of it, after unwrapping the package. :)

For whatever reason, this image doesn't render well in Leofinance (at least not for me). But there's nothing wrong with the image... You can see it on another interface.

Compared to my old laptop it's flying, so I'm definitely happy about that. :)

Since most of my Hive activity is in a browser, it wasn't a complicated transition, even if on Linux Mint - the OS I decided to install on the new laptop - the default browser is Firefox and not Brave. I decided to stick with Firefox and not install Brave on Linux too. I don't use Brave to earn BAT anyway.

As I said above I decided to install Linux Mint on it. I did that because I wanted to minimize any learning curve during this switch. And for that purpose, I don't think I was wrong. The interface is very similar to the one from Windows, even if the name of the tools may differ. But a quick search usually solves any question you might have.

When the laptop arrived I had my bootable USB ready with Linux Mint on it. All I had to do was plug it in and install it.

The installation process took surprisingly little time, under half an hour but maybe more like 20 minutes or so, including my interaction with the process.

It was surprising because I tried to install a lighter version of Linux Mint (and then Lubuntu) on a very old laptop the day before, and it took hours. Both failed in some way or another, and I gave up trying (for now) since it took time and I didn't really need that laptop. Was going to give it to someone if it worked. But it was too slow anyway.

On my new laptop, as is often the case, installing the OS is not the most time-consuming task.

The following part is. Changing settings to your liking, installing more apps and extensions you need. Also more research.

I knew from previous short experience with Linux (Ubuntu), that you don't really need an antivirus on Linux if you use it for regular activities (not a server of any kind). For now, I don't have one installed, but I might change my mind. Don't have many reasons to, though.

Something I didn't do and should have, and probably will do (even if that means more work), is to create another user with fewer privileges from where to do the browsing. I'll have to read more about it.

I still need to get used to working with two laptops at the same time. And to see how to better split the workload between them.

For now, things like Rising Star and Splinterforge, the game I talked about yesterday, are definitely on the old laptop. But so can be something like the bitcoin's and HIVE's charts in real-time. At least for HIVE, it can be a useful way to catch pumps, if I'm awake and paying attention.

I'm not a big threader, but another idea would be to have #threads open on the other laptop and keep an eye on it. But it would help if we could apply some filters to the threads.

I'm keeping some activities in parallel, to see if that would help.

I haven't written this type of post often in the past. But they reflect a big part of my activity these days and this journey (accompanied by the comments and discussions) may actually be useful to someone else who might want to try a similar route in the future.

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