Hive Power Up Day and Dollar Cost Averaging HIVE

Hey HPUDers!

Have a great December 1st!

To continue the tradition, I powered up 10 HIVE today, even though I won't be making 1k+ HIVE powerups until probably the next bear market.

That didn't stop me from accumulating HIVE! I believe it is still seriously underpriced for this bull market, so, besides what I earn through posting, I also buy it with other liquid assets.

I decided to calculate something for the first time for me as well, in a long time: to see how much HIVE I purchased on Hive throughout November. This is for the base layer because I made some smaller purchases on Hive-Engine as well, but I didn't add them up.

After summing them up, the total was a little higher than 350 HIVE (purchased, not earned as HP). That's in liquid form, and for future reference, I've noted it, but, even though it's not much higher than the amount mentioned above currently, I don't want to make a habit of broadcasting this kind of information on-chain.

My purchases were based on the DCA principle, even if not daily, and taking advantage of pullbacks, without trading, for the time being (so, not taking profit after the HIVE rally to HBD, to buy at a lower level). I could have sold part of the liquid HIVE when Koreans pumped it at the end and bought back at the support, but decided against it at the time. In hindsight, the move would have been profitable, but not without risks.

Oh, and before I forget, I've got another PUM badge... Cheers to all consistent Hivers!

Happy Power Up Day!

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