Getting ready for the new Splinterlands season

Matt said during the previous Splinterlands Town Hall (not the one from this week, I haven't seen this one yet) that two things are very likely to happen in April. One is the launch of the two formats, modern and wild, and the other is the major restructururing of rewards and everything related for ranked play.

Both of them will have a direct impact on the experience of playing the game, and will definitely require us to adjust and create different strategies, adapted to the new changes.

And tomorrow is already April.

One of my Splinterlands goals that seems well aligned with the changes to follow from the player perspective is to max all or most of the cards from Chaos Legion.

Until recently, I haven't pushed many cards all the way to the max level, thinking I'll slowly add more cards by opening packs. But that process is going very slowly, because I don't want to buy more potions.

With the changes to the gameplay around the corner, I decided to change the strategy and start pushing more cards all the way to max level.

As I'll open more packs, when I'll find cards that I already maxed out I'll have two alternatives. Either build them up and rent them out, or sell them for the cards I'll still need to upgrade.

Before the beginning of next season I maxed out these cards:



Baakjira is not necessarily one of my favorite cards, but sometimes the combination of low-mid mana, high health, healing and void can be useful. The other abilities are not to be discarded either, since they have group effect. Maybe I'll try it in more games, now that I have it maxed.

Iza the Fanged


Iza is a card I love and use quite often. Together with Piromaniac from Fire, they are the only range cards with sneak in the game that I know. Add to that stun and scavanger and it makes it very powerful. The only thing is that you need to protect it early in the match because it starts with low health.

Adelade Brightwing


Adelade picked up immunity and swiftness compared to the level I had it at. I already used it from time to time for its repair+resurect abilities, maybe with swiftness I'll find it more useful. Immunity would probably not help me very much since I generally use other options when I need it, and the combination between speed 1 and swiftness if not very inspired for either regular or reverse order games.

I have a couple other cards already maxed before this tranche, and a few other I looked at and decided not to upgrade because they don't offer significant additional benefits to be worth it at this time.

There are a few other cards which I am in process of upgrading (waiting for cards on the renting account to return so I can finish the upgrade), but not all of them will be maxed already, so I prefer to keep them quiet until they are.

Do you max out your CL cards or have a different strategy?

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