photography macro // learn black and white version

Good morning to all my friends in the #indonesiahive community, it's great that I want to greet you again this morning.
yes .... on this occasion I want to share some angles of the black and white version of the wild flower phota.

actually I'm still learning to edit into the black and white version.
for all my friends in the #indonesiahive community if later my picture in black and white version is less attractive or not too good, please give me suggestions or reviews in the comments column on my post.

I took a photo of this wildflower, the back kite is blurry, so I can focus more on this wildflower.
I don't really know the name of this wild flower, the fruit is very small, sorry, I slightly enlarged the image to make it look like white fine hairs covering the fruit.

I also took a picture of the flowers that have not yet become fruit.
here below some pictures of flowers and wild fruit to see:

IMG_20220908_155814 (2).jpg

IMG_20220908_160042 (1).jpg

IMG_20220908_155903 (2).jpg

IMG_20220908_160009 (2).jpg

IMG_20220908_160123 (2).jpg

IMG_20220908_155857 (2).jpg


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