Are we close to containing the Covid-19?

The world continues in battle, there are already more than 13 million infected worldwide and the dead exceed 500 thousand, despite all efforts, there is still no vaccine that can contain the spread of the virus, a vaccine that makes us strong against the risk of contagion.



According to a WHO report , at the moment there are more than 140 vaccines being tested in different laboratories around the world, while citizens of the world wonder how close we are to containing the Coronavirus.

According to experts under normal conditions it would take more than a year of research, however, the pandemic has the world working fast to find a vaccine that will help our immunization.

Fight against the Covid-19.

In this fight without quarter, elements emerge that make us think that we will soon be seeing positive results from these trials.

In recent days it was known that the company Sanofi could close an agreement with the European Union for 300 million vaccines against Covid-19, which makes us think that the advances in the tests of the two vaccines in which the company works are obtaining positive results, which invite optimism that this will be resolved soon.

"We are in very advanced negotiations with the European Union," said Olivier Bogillot, president of the pharmaceutical group in France.

News also spread that tests conducted in the United States for a vaccine yielded satisfactory results. In a study using 45 volunteers as a reference, it was found that people undergoing this vaccine developed neutralizing antibodies in the bloodstream, molecules that can block infections, at levels similar to those survivors of the virus.

The developers plan to test the vaccine on a larger scale using 30,000 people, tests they plan to carry out on July 27.

"No matter how you look at it, this is good news"
Said Doctor Anthony Fauci.




As we can see, there are many laboratories with interesting advances in the development of a vaccine against Covid-19, the cases mentioned here are just some good examples of the advances we are making, steps that bring us closer to containing the virus.

I do not know what you can think about it, I am still optimistic in this fight that we did not ask to fight, and I believe that soon we will have more forceful results that allow us to immunize them against this threat that took us by surprise, which has taken the lives of many people since its start at the end of last year.

Let me know your opinion. Do you think we are close to finding a vaccine?

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