La portada del libro/ The cover of the book (Esp/Ing)

"No me queda bien" dije en voz alta, mientras me detallaba en el espejo. Pensé en los consejos que los tres cerditos me dieron: el peinado, mantener limpio el hocico y rasurar los bigotes. Realmente empezaba a disfrutarlo.

Decidí salir por las tardes a correr, hacer algunas barras y valorar la percepción que causa mi nueva imagen.

El primer día noté que me miraban extraño, algunos se susurraban cosas entre ellos y otros se alejaban de mí, al punto que no había con quién conversar. Este fenómeno se estuvo repitiendo por espacio de unos meses, donde mi única compañera fue la soledad.

Cansado de esta situación, me acerqué a un grupo de ciclistas en la avenida principal, quienes reaccionaron muy similar, la diferencia estuvo en que dos de ellos se rieron.

"Amigo lobo, la verdad es que no sabemos que decirte" balbuceo uno que no controlaba la risa. El otro exclamó: "no te pareces al del cuento, te miramos y pareces una mala caricatura". No dejé que siguieran hablando. Me alejé velozmente y busqué el libro.

Desde ese día, al verme todos gritan despavoridos, porque me parezco a la portada del libro, pero ahora si entiendo lo que sucede.


The cover of the book

"It doesn't look good on me" I said out loud, while detailing myself in the mirror. I thought about the advice the three little pigs gave me: combing, keeping the muzzle clean, and shaving the whiskers. I was really starting to enjoy it.

I decided to go out in the afternoons for a run, do some bars and assess the perception that my new image causes.

The first day I noticed that they looked at me strangely, some were whispering things to each other and others were moving away from me, to the point that there was no one to talk to. This phenomenon was repeating itself for a few months, where my only companion was loneliness.

Tired of this situation, I approached a group of cyclists on the main avenue, who reacted very similarly, the difference was that two of them laughed.

"Wolf friend, the truth is that we don't know what to say to you" stammered one who couldn't control his laughter. The other exclaimed: "You don't look like the one in the story, we look at you and you look like a bad cartoon." I didn't let them continue talking. I hurried away and looked for the book.

Since that day, when they see me, everyone screams in terror, because I look like the cover of the book, but now I do understand what is happening.

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