Why can’t I get upvotes on Hive?

Why can’t I get upvotes on Hive?

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

Because you’re either not adding value or you’re not showing that you are to those with stake.

It’s as simple as that.

Every single day on the daily crypto blog or the community Discord, the same question flicks by.

“How can I get upvotes?”

Almost every one of those asking this question have their mind set on cutting corners and taking shortcuts.

Looking to paste their low quality, spammy content that adds zero ongoing value to Hive or the LeoFinance platform

Thinking that a whale with stake thinks their sob story is so much better than the 1000 others whose sob stories they’ve read that day.

There are no shortcuts to getting upvotes on Hive

If you’re struggling to get upvotes on Hive, stop trying to cut corners or ask for handouts.

Hive is a business.

Start treating it like one.

And like any business where money is at stake, all that matters is that you add value to the platform.

Then put that value which you’ve provided in front of those with stake.

You see, the Hive blockchain uses a system of stake weighted voting in order to distribute HIVE inflation via a daily rewards pool.

People stake their HIVE and therefore want to distribute a larger portion of new supply to those who are working to increase the value of their investment.

If you’re writing short, unformatted, random garbage and expecting to be rewarded, it’s just not going to happen.

Why would anyone who has invested and taken a stake in the platform, want to pay you to diminish the value of their investment?

It just doesn't make any sense!

If you want to get upvotes on Hive, you need to focus on producing quality content that adds value to the platform.

There’s no shortcuts to be taken if you want to build a consistent stream of income from your writing.

Write quality content.

Not all upvotes on Hive are created equal

So let’s now fast forward a little down the line.

I can already hear your next complaint, so let me answer it for you before you get a chance to blurt it out.

“I’m creating SEO optimised, well formatted, long form content that will add ongoing value to Hive and LeoFinance.”

“But I’m STILL not getting upvotes!”

“Why not?”

The bottom line is that you need to put yourself in front of those that matter.

And the only ones that matter in this regard are those already on the platform with stake.

You just have to remember that In Hive’s stake weighted voting system, 1000 upvotes from nobodies are worth less than 1 single upvote from a whale.

Those with stake are all that matter

The more significant their stake, the more important it is to be in front of them!

How, you ask?

Well think about this.

For every whale with stake who is actively searching for new, up and coming content creators who continue to add value to the platform, there are 10 either using an autovoter or lurking in their same closed circles.

So take the initiative!

They’re not going to magically find your work so make them find it instead.

It’s up to you to literally put your name and your content in front of them.

Comment on their content directly.

Jump into the comments section of the most popular blogs that they have commented on and add to the conversation.

Literally weave links to your content into the replies by placing them under relevant anchor text.

As long as it’s adding value and related, linking in this manner is actually encouraged as it will help Google index related our content quicker and ultimately drive more traffic to the domain.

Do everything in your power to make them see that your username is adding value to the platform and ultimately helping their investment.

I 100% guarantee that if you do this, those with stake will click your name to dig deeper into your content.

Where if it is the well formatted, value adding content that you say it is, they will upvote you.

Big, fat, juicy whale upvotes.

Best of probabilities to you.

PS. Sorry if I sound like a prick more abrasive today, it's been a long day.

I promise I'll reply to any questions you may have in the comments section in a nicer tone ;)

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