Gaming Photography Weekly Contest |Theme: Shadow Hunters


In the search for a new contest, I decided to delve into a game that might be old, but I still seek to appreciate the shadows that could be achieved 14 years ago. While there are newer games that offer incredible shadows and much more, here in the midst of destruction, running through a sea of bullets, avoiding getting caught by grenades, and eliminating players... Sometimes these things go unnoticed in a game. Thanks to the community, we can pause and appreciate the great visual artistic works, both from yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Capturing a game like Battlefield, although it might not seem like it, became a challenge. While there were shadows, some stood out because of the detailed work behind them. For example, the perspective of the sun and the shadow on the weapon were respected until the shadow protruded from the box in which it was positioned. Considering this level of detail in 2010 was highly appreciated in terms of all the 3D modeling.

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Regarding the shadows of the cabins, they have their own essence. The light passes through the wood when it shines on the house, and if you observe closely, you can see the lines of the parallel perspective of the setting, respecting the structure of the house. Despite the war environment focused on destruction and bullets, the shadows remain, which showcases the detailed artistic work behind the game.

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In this screenshot, I would like to highlight how a simple perspective can be appreciated by observing the movement of the cable's shadows. Even though it is just an image, the details distributed across various areas of the game stand out, showcasing the effort and dedication put into creating these shadows. Additionally, it's interesting to note how, when we hide, the shadow also becomes a part of us, adding an extra layer of immersion to the gaming experience.

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Capturing the shadow of soldiers, of your comrades, is an exercise that reflects a certain coldness intended to avoid emotional shock at the possible loss of one of them in battle. Seeing their shadows makes me question what happens in such an event, sharing time in a chaotic environment. Who can understand you in a place marked by post-war experiences? It's a striking way to recreate existential scenes, running in the midst of battle and seeing those shadows beside you, the shadows of your fallen comrades in combat.

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Shadows in this game have become very appreciated for me since this contest, so I decided to join a multiplayer match to see how these shadows truly stand out and to experience the challenge of capturing moments amidst the chaos mentioned at the beginning.

Continuing with capturing the essence of shadow, can you imagine this sandy paradise without a shadow? Can you imagine the heat that must settle in that location? As someone who hates sweating due to the heat, this shadow is ideal, also considering the particular shadow generated by the antenna in the game, becoming part of a man-made destructive landscape. I captured these scenes because they seem very valuable in such a context; the location of shadows is essential to endure these high temperatures. I hope I've conveyed my perspective on the shadow for this week's contest.

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