Meet the bitcoiner nuns who promote bitcoin among Catholics

A congregation of nuns used bitcoin donations to build the church, located in the “Ephesus” abbey, in Kansas City, United States.


A stately Catholic building interrupts the view of Kansas City, Missouri, USA. It was built with Bitcoin (BTC) about three years ago and is now a prayer center for twenty nuns who took advantage of the first cryptocurrency in addition to their Catholic faith.

Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. That is the name of the religious organization that, under the rule of Saint Benedict, found in bitcoin a way to start the construction of the temple without financing or debt. This started in 2017 and ended a year later.

The Priory Church, as it is known in religious circles, was created from the donations BTC received the year the building was built. Currently, liturgical and Eucharistic events are held in the church, as evidenced by the community's own photos posted on its official website.


Bartulica was in charge of providing the religious sisters with cold wallets (hardware wallets). He also taught them how to send, receive and hold bitcoins, which are donated by people loyal to the nuns' cause.

The priest has the goal that the other Catholic parishes in the Missouri area switch to using bitcoin, although the Benedictines have a step forward.

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