Happy 2021 from Greece!


I managed to steal a little bit of time between food and well...food. To tell you the truth i can't even move from all the eating. That's why i am writing this because i can't do anything else at the moment.

Anyways, i won't make any wishes for 2021 because we may end up again with a pandemic or an economical crisis! I'll just say that i hope all of your wishes to come true!

It was so funny and awesome when the year changed. Fireworks were everywhere, my family has some videos but i will get them later on. For now, just be happy with the video below!

I'll go open up some presents for now...or to be more precise they will hand me the presents as i can't move a muscle. The funny thing is that in 12 hours there is a second festive table with the same amount of food and ofc different dishes, not the same ones :p

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