Blockchain- The Unfailing Solution to Unemployment In The Modern World


Just thinking about life today, and all the people that I knew who were college graduates without jobs and what they are doing today to earn a living, and realized how much the blockchain has helped in transforming the world of employment in a developing country like ours. Bitcoin, which is an application of blockchain technology has opened the door of employment opportunities to many who would have had no chance of a good job. This has helped millions of people including myself find jobs, as well as inspired many startups with the potential to change the world.

Joblessness is a serious issue in our society today. There are many reasons for this and the first of all is the inability to even find a job. If you have a college degree, there are just so many companies and organizations that will not even consider you for a job because of your status.

This is a direct result of a government that has no idea what we are dealing with. The employments are just not there, and the government is not doing anything about creating new jobs or at least attracting businesses that will bring in new jobs for the citizens.

It is not just about having a college degree but also about the most valuable thing in the world today-the human resources. This is the best asset that most countries can boast of. But, great human resources without great empowerment will remain like a tattered towel that will never be attractive to anybody to use. That was the state of many I knew before they discovered the potential of the blockchain with the Bitcoin applications and they went for it.

There are countless stories of people who made it in the real world today because of these applications. Many people I know have found jobs that they liked working with.

Some of these applications include blockchain decentralized social blogging platforms such as Hive, Steemit, Mirror, Serey, etc. These social media platforms use the power of the blockchain to reward every user who posts their unique content with tokens they can trade on the Decentralized exchanges. This is the application that helped my friend get a job that he liked doing.

The advantage of using these applications is that there are no qualifications that one has to meet before one gets on them. A user can simply sign up and start posting his/her content on the platform and earn tokens, and the majority of these users will have a significant number of tokens in their wallets that they can trade on the exchanges for Fiat money.

It is the same thing with decentralized finance that offered people a way to make money with little investment capital. Projects like LeoDex on the Hive blockchain and a myriad of others offer great opportunities to earn money by staking or farming with the tokens they have purchased with a little amount of money.

There is nowhere else you can find such income opportunities right now. But, many don't know that these platforms exist and that they are doing wonderful things. These decentralized applications are directly impacting the lives of many people around the world.

It,s what helped me to deal with joblessness and lack of income when I lost my business, no thanks to the Covid-19 lockdown two years ago. I got jobless as a result of the Covid incident. Since then I decided to turn to the decentralized world to do something that will bring income for me and my family, and it was all because of the amazing potential of the blockchain.

For the three years, I have been working in the decentralized world, I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience that can help me to take a bold step in creating a business on the blockchain. One thing I learned is that you don't have to start with a huge amount of money to succeed. You only need skills and dedication to succeed in this field.

Joblessness and poverty are twin brothers. They go together like two peas in a pod. There is no way that one can get ahead in life without one's means. Yet, it is ironic that jobs are lacking and many people are suffering from poverty and joblessness even in the United States and other developed countries.

This is exactly where the blockchain comes into the picture. Blockchain technology can empower people like never before. It is going to allow people to earn a living, and create a business in a fraction of time and with less effort than they had to spend with other means. And all of these are free and accessible to everyone.

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