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Is This Why You Are Single?: A must watch for all youngsters.

Love can be a tricky thing, and many people misunderstand it. Why are you single? It can be a very annoying question to ask a lady or guy who has decided to remain single. In this video, I will be explaining the reasons why some people remain single. Some of them are forced to make that choice, while others make it based on what they see.

Some of these choices are justified; if you look at the rate at which young relationships have been at this present age, it is enough to say, "I don't want to be in a relationship."
Many people have suffered from relationships; some people find themselves in toxic relationships, while others see things that happen in marriage and decide to never even give it a try or think about it again.

Back in those days, people got married, and they said this vow, "For better and for worse." They truly meant it, and the divorce rate back then was so low, but compared to the 21st century, where people rush into marriage and when there is a little inconvenience, they rush to their lawyer and say, "Fill a divorce for me,"

There are some people who look up to a married couple; they want to live a life like theirs, but when the cat is let out of the bag, they see some ugly sides. Now, it is the way the couples handle their affair that's going to make people want to remain in love or give up on it.

This video explains many things that can make people decide to remain single for the rest of their lives.

There is nothing bad about remaining single; it's cool if you want to remain single; it's a personal choice that I believe everyone should respect. If you see a person who has made the choice to remain single., there is a reason for that person to be single: either you ask them or stay off their business. Thanks for reading and watching.

This is my entry for the Inleo daily prompt "Day 21" and I am inviting you to join the writing prompt. You can visit @leo.tasks page to get more info or click on this Link Thank you #Aprilinleo