Android App Development | Lecture#33 | Part-1 | Hive Learners


Hello, beautiful members of Hive Learners, I hope you all are well. Welcome to the 33rd on Android App Development. In our project we are using the Main_Activity as the sign-up activity today we will create a separate activity for Sign-up and make the Main_Activity empty and welcome the first user without the login. We will also be going to implement the sign-in using the firebase email authentication.

GitHub Link

Use this GitHub project to clone into your directory. The following lecture will constantly update it so you will never miss the latest code. Happy Coding!

What Should I Learn

  • How to enable Firebase Authentication
  • Create a User account using Firebase Authentication


  • Create a signup page using Firebase.


First, we need to create an Empty activity for the sign_in and move all the code from the Main Activity to the Sign-in Activity. Follow this path and create a new Signup_Activity in java language.

Now move the activity_main.xml code in activity_signup.xml

Also, move the Layout relevant to JAVA code like button declaration and initialization from to and delete other new added code in the file

Now we need to turn on the Firebase email authentication, open your firebase project and follow these steps carefully.

The authentication option is successfully enabled. Now we need to add the firebase libraries to our project Gradle file. The easy way is by using Firebase Assistance. Follow these steps.

Click on Accept and wait for gradle to build successfully. If you get any error then you can share it in the comment section we will get it resolved as soon as possible.

Now declare and initialize the ForebaseAuth

We will continue our lecture in part 2 to make sure you are on the same step. Thank You.


Thank You


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