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Life is best lived through right understanding and knowledge of the things which are useful. One of the knowledge which is of most importance is that of appreciating human limits and applying balance to all life endeavors. Due to work demand, life pressures, targets to meet and many other contributing factors, many people have had their health been affected which results loss of sound sleep.

The truth is that sleep is a natural cycle meant for the revitalizing, rejuvenation and reclination of the body after the daily routine or activities. We cannot cheat sleep as the body will duely request for it and the best response is to allow that rest at that particular time. Based on studies and according to sleep-wake cycle, darkness or absense of light aids sleep and that's why sleep is at best at night due to two natural substances in the body which impacts on the sleep-wake cycle and these substances are melatonin and cortisol.


Sleeping issues can arise as a result of some disease conditions like insomia, high blood pressure, mind preoccupations, depression etc. Environmental issues like heat, noise and other factors like insect bites e.g. mosquito bites can all affect having a sound sleep. In such cases, there is need to understand the cause of the sleep disorder for accurate management of such. To aid sleep, there are certain things to do which involved:
• Sleeping in a well ventilated room to avoid heat
• Absence of noise or sound disturbance
• Soft good music aids sleep for few people
• Taking bath before sleeping
• Eating light before sleeping
• Sleeping on a good and quality bed
• Switching off the light

Wierd dreams, fantasies amd hallucinations can result from a sleep mostly of poor quality and this can be as a result of the activities of the day preoccupying the mind, effects of some drugs e.g ketamine and substances e.g. caffeine, alcohol. Other causes includes dehydration, fatigue, substance abuse, psychological conditions etc. Right identification of the cause is helpful in the proper management of such.

For me, anytime there is something of joy that cheers me up or I'm so glad about, my sleeping experience will be quite awesome. I remember whenever i buy new clothes back then when i was young, it creates some fantasies or sweet dreams for me then. In children, i learnt that most of them experience nocturnal enuresis (urinate on beds) because of wield dream/hallucination of them thinking that they are urinating in the toilet at that time which unfortunately is not.😄

The truth is that some people are actually gifted with dreams as a divine gift but for some, it is as a result of the preoccupation of the mind. In all, it's good to have sound sleep and this makes for effectiveness and productivity as only rested body and body system can function optimally as expercted or wanted. Let's always strike a balance in all we do. Thank you for reading and happy new week ahead.

This is my participation post in #Aprilinleo monthly prompt for day 14 by the #inleo. Check out this announcement post to get involved.