Meet eSteem Official YouTube Channel


Few days ago we asked our users help to get 100+ followers on our YouTube Channel so we could claim custom link and it happened with your support in just 3 days! We really appreciate that. This was also one of our social experiments showing who is really reading our blog and who can understand our thoughts.

108 subscribers

We just set our custom link and from now our official youtube channel link would be and you are welcome to continue subscribing and linking our videos there if you want.


What's the purpose of YouTube Channel?

Mainly we've created that for uploading our short video tutorials educating new users how to use eSteem Mobile and eSteem Surfer. We just needed a place where we can put and collect our videos.

But now we are thinking on other ways to use this channel for. Such as reaching out outer audience who is not using Steem yet. Then we are planning to have some online meetings (Hangouts) with our active users. First eSteem Online meetup. What do you say?

Also we had some thoughts on showing you how our applications are developed. The process of creating them. Discussion with the team, trying to add new functions, tweak user interface etc.

Do you want us to share such a things on our new channel?


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