entry monomad challenge

i was walking along the shore the other day and came to a rocky beach. in the middle of it was an old rusted cart basking in the low autumn sun.

it must have been there for years.

not far away was a cabin but there wasn't any road from there to the shore. just a narrow winding path through the rocky terrain. no traces of a road ever having been there so it was a mystery how the cart got there

and there wasn't any good landing spot for a boat so it was no mystery why it remained once it was placed there. there wasn't much left of the front wheels that were closest to the sea.

at the front of the cart was a bleached salt-loving flowering plant that had gone to seed. the white plant shone in the strong sunlight so the high-contrast setting making photography more challenging.

The photos needed editing, in particular, the highlight parameter required careful managing.

while the low sun was harsh it gave great side lighting to bring out textures

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