Crafting simplicity

Hello gorgeous members of diyhub community, trust we are doing fine wherever we are. Want to still remind us that the month of May is still fresh and we shouldn't give up on our set goals cause you can still achieve whatever you have planned out for the month.

For today's DIY, I decided to bead a multicolored hand bracelet. First I wanted adding it to my collection but not anymore cause am definitely going to gift it to any lucky person I choose around me. The beads I used are leftover beads from past orders so rather than leave them like that, I rather use it to create something beautiful.

To begin with the bracelet, these are the materials I used:

*Red crystal beads
*Black seed beads
*Gold seed beads
*Fishing line
*claps (hook)
*masking tape


Firstly, I cut a long fishing line enough for the desired length of the bracelet.

Secondly, I inserted six black seed beads into the line and then used the last bead to cross both the left and right lines together.

Thirdly, I put two black seed beads and one red crystals and two black seed beads into the left line and for the right, I inserted two black seed beads and one red crystal bead and later crossed with a seed bead.

Fourthly, this time around I put two black seed beads and one red crystal in the left line and one red crystal and two seed beads in the right line which after I crossed the line with a seed bead.

I continued with same process even with the gold seed beads till I got my desired length for bracelet. At some point I used a masking tap to help hold the bracelet well for comfort.

Desired bracelet length

Lastly, after getting the length I inserted the claps on both end of the bracelet and cut off the excess line.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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