The authentic power of a coffee bean

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"Look! It's a coffee bean!" a little girl exclaimed as she ran towards me. She was wearing a pumpkin costume and carrying a bag full of candy. It caused me a lot of tenderness to see her, so I smiled and bent down so she could see my face through the mask. "Yes, I'm a big coffee bean," I told her. "So you're not a monster?" she asked. "No, I'm not a monster," I replied. The little girl reached out her hand and gave me a handful of candy and then walked back to her mother.


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I continued walking towards the party where my friends were waiting for me and as I quickly glanced around, I noticed that I wasn't the only person in the neighborhood in costume. There were children and adults everywhere, all dressed as monsters, murderers and other fantastic beings. I quickened my pace, as my skin was crawling as my peculiar costume began to attract the attention of characters in creepy costumes.

Maybe I exaggerated choosing this cheesy costume, but I had to do it was the only thing I could afford, I had no more money this year, yes I have been hit really hard by finances and staying home alone a night like tonight would not have been the best choice, I told myself this to try to convince and reassure myself that I had done the right thing. As I approached the place, I saw that the house of the big party I was attending was painted in a dark color with strange symbols, it also had a big pointy hat on each window, but it caused me more terror when I saw that the door was not a door, but a giant skull, it seemed to be the beginning of a long night, however, I took courage and decided to enter with total security.


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The party was full of people in costumes and the music was blaring. I joined the party and tried to go unnoticed among the others, until I can find my friends. But since it couldn't be all rosy and there is always someone watching you I heard a deep voice say "Look, a coffee bean has come!" At that instant I blushed, everyone in the party turned to look at me and laughed. When I saw the group of my friends, I quickly turned to them and felt confident, although they also joked around for a few moments. They are very good at cosplay, so I knew it would be funny to see them.

But then, suddenly, we heard a noise outside the house. It was a strange creature, like nothing we had ever seen before. At the sight of it, people screamed and ran in all directions, as it appeared to be huge. I didn't understand if it was real or if someone was playing a practical joke on us, but it couldn't be possible, the monster started to chase people, I was also filled with fear and started to run. Suddenly, I tripped and fell to the ground, I was close to the monster, my heart was racing and before I was devoured I started screaming at it, "Don't eat me, I'm a coffee bean!" Then the monster stopped and looked at me. Then it said, "Oh, sorry! I thought you were a person."

I inadvertently saved myself from death, this calmed me down just for a moment, as I had a feeling that the monster would come back for me and this time I would not have the same luck. In those moments I thought of my family, how much I loved them and how sad it would be for them if something happened to me, then I realized that I had to fight for my life. I took all my energy and devised a plan to escape from the place, however, it was of no use because at that instant I saw that my best friend was devoured by the monster, I couldn't help but scream. The monster stopped again at the sound of my voice and was on the lookout for any movement on my part, so I should think hard about my next move.


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While I was thinking about my next move, the monster lunged at me and knocked me to the ground, I tried to get up, but the monster attacked me again, I was stunned and could do nothing to defend myself, so I was only left to wait for my death. Following this, the monster approached my face and looked me in the eyes, at that moment I felt that my eyesight blurred, my heart stopped and a strange feeling of horror invaded my whole body, as if the creature was telling me that you should not go out on Halloween night.

I only had one last move left to make, so it occurred to me to pull out my large bag of coffee grounds that I carried in my left pocket, the same bag I received as a gift for renting the coffee bean costume. I then spread it on the ground in the hope that something would stop the monster, after a few seconds the creature couldn't resist the smell of the coffee and stopped attacking me, instead it moved away from me and disappeared into the darkness. I just lay there, not knowing what had happened, but I was sure the monster would not come back.

We were all very impressed and happy that an unusual character like a coffee bean had saved them from that creature. I just wanted the night to be over and thought that sometimes being naive and childish on a Halloween night can save your life, I will never forget what happened.


Todas las imágenes que aparecen en esta publicación son realizados en canva con suministros gratuitos.
All images in this publication are made in canva with free supplies..

With this story I make my entry for the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community creative writing contest.



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