Bitcoin Hodling Challenge - Introduction


Yesterday I was talking with @resiliencia and he exposed me the idea of starting to make 'Dollar Cost Averaging' purchases (to 'DCA') again into Bitcoin.

Concretely about making somewhere between 50-150$ weekly purchases into a 'Hodling wallet' and don't touch it for any reason related to 'look at this shitcoin' or 'want a PS5 for Christmas?'.

Aiming for the 1 BTC dream mark or something. Well, it's a bit far, but we'll try anyway :)

We both feel enthusiastic about the idea (because I personally I'm 100% into alts and I feel bored about BTC pretty fast most of the time) and from their side because he probably needs a bit of extra motivation to not sell after a few weeks (something that happens to everyone from time to time tbh, you need the money for whatever reason 'mUh yIeLd FaRmInG sIr' and you end touching your precious BTC holdings).

The Perfect time is NOW!

I mean, what about an ATH of Bitcoin after roughly ~3 years to consider a challenge like this one? You probably heard about the typical 'But you got lucky to be in this early!'

What if I told you that I went in exactly at the 'worst' price point? (at least from nocoiner eyes). That would be an awesome experience and an even better experience to document.

How exactly would it look my BTC stash after exactly 1 year? What if we reach 100K$/BTC in a year? What if it's more? Or less (how much less?). Just for reference, this is how it would like our 'hodling wallet' if we managed to purchase 100$ worth of BTC weekly, starting December 1, 2019:


Wouldn't be nice to sit on a ~10K$ stash for only ~5,3K$ invested (86,69% profit)? Of course, the market from 1 year ago Vs the market of today is 'slightly different', but you just 'can't know' in advance (and this exactly is one of the best things about the experiment).

Have you ever asked yourself: ''What if it had started to accumulate bitcoin earlier?'' In a few years we'll be looking at the 20K$ highs like this:


Using Celsius to optimize (even more!) the returns.

Just because I'm a bit addicted to compound profits, I asked @resiliencia if he would be 'Ok' about accumulating in a centralized app like Celsius/Nexo/CDC. Decided to go with Celsius as I already had an account here.

Celsius (ref link inside) is one of those apps with the slogan 'unbank yourself' focused on giving loans with crypto as collateral.

You can basically get up to ~4% APY just for holding BTC with them, which maybe doesn't seem a lot*, but slowly adds up (not worth if you're holding big amounts, I would prefer the security of a cold wallet tbh).

I thought about accumulating like 1000-2000$ before moving to cold wallet and treat the APY's like a bonus, but given that we have weeks/months before accumulating that amount, we have time to decide.

This is how my account stands today.


I already added the first 0,0125 BTC as my starting balance and I'll do my best to add 50-150$ weekly as I stated before. I had 1,08 CEL there from ages ago (which I'll gladly compound).

I'll be receiving the APY in CEL to avoid distorting the BTC balance. And I'll do my best to report weekly my progress (usually with a BTC analysis + report of the last purchase).

Of course, I reserve the right of cancelling this challenge for whatever reason I want, but you're free to HODL and accumulate with me.

Happy Bitcoin ATH! What a great day to start such a challenge!

leofinance divider.png

You can follow me on Twitter.


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