Back to Work After a Long Vacation


Holidays are fun things and moments that many people have been waiting for, especially workers. Not only school children workers are also waiting for this. After a long vacation, going back to work can be a joy or an annoyance depending on one's situation and feelings. Some people may feel happy because they miss the routine of work and want to get back to doing the work they love.

However, some other people may feel unhappy because they feel reluctant to return to their daily routine and feel like a longer vacation. However, after a few days of work, most people will settle back into their work routine and feel good about the work they are doing.

Returning to work after a long vacation can also be an opportunity to evaluate one's goals and work plans. After imbuing the mind with a calm holiday atmosphere, one can return to work with a fresher mind and focus on achieving predetermined work goals.

In addition, returning to the workplace after a long holiday can also be an opportunity to improve communication and cooperation with colleagues. After a long holiday, one can return to work with a fresher mind, more focus, renewed enthusiasm and more positivity. So it can be easier to coordinate and work together with colleagues to achieve common goals.

But sometimes there are those who return to work after a long vacation can also cause pressure and stress. There are some people who find it difficult to adjust to a new work routine after a long vacation. Therefore, a person must be able to manage his feelings and emotions well and find ways to deal with the pressure and stress that comes after a long vacation.

There are several ways you can do to deal with stress and pressure after returning to work after a long vacation:
  • Arrange the schedule well. Create a realistic schedule and try to organize the tasks that must be done according to priority. This will help to reduce the pressure and stress that comes from a lack of time.

  • Make time for yourself. Find time to rest and refresh your mind before getting back to work. This can be meditation, yoga or just taking a walk outside.

  • Talk to colleagues or superiors. Don't hesitate to talk to co-workers or your boss about your feelings and difficulties coming back to work. They may be able to help you to solve the problem you are having.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember that the process of adjusting after a long vacation takes time and don't be too hard on yourself if you find yourself struggling.

  • Don't forget to exercise and eat healthily. Exercise can help to deal with stress and pressure, as well as help to maintain physical and mental health. Eating healthily can also help in maintaining physical and mental health.

  • Think back about the fun things to restore morale. For example about funny things when meeting someone at a vacation spot.

That's all I can write and this is the first contest I've entered, please advise and criticize from seniors.
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