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I loved chocolate so much while I was younger, but then, growing up, I had to restrict the amount of chocolate I consume on a daily basis. Because of the saying that states that too much of sweet things aren't really good for the men.

I was a big fan of chocolate, and I've got different types of chocolate I love to take. But then, I loved Snickers and Dune the most. They taste so good and always have this mixture in it that makes it crispy. It tastes so good that I can barely walk past it without getting it. Even till now.


I literally loved the fact that my mom always seems to stock chocolate and other junk for each and every one of her children every month. I always finish my own in less than a week because I love junks so much. I was always wondering then how the rich kids sleep, knowing fully well that they've got a lot of chocolates and junk in their custody.

I always find it really hard to sleep when I remember that I have lots of junk and chocolate stocked up in my room. I always try to take my eyes and mind off it, but then it's always very hard to let go for real. Do you know that situation whereby you tell yourself that you are taking this thing for the last time, and you just can't stop taking it till it is finished?


That was exactly the kind of situation I always find myself in whenever I've got my room stock. And then, when it eventually finishes, I start going to greet my siblings every minute. They know fully well that I only come to greet them that oftenly whenever I'm in need of candy, chocolates, and junk. But then, I was blessed with a sweet and amazing sister who always turns up for me anytime, anywhere.

I was always happy whenever she just gave it to me. But then, there are days where my mom just comes in and tells her not to give it to me. That she's trying to spoil me. She always tells me to be satisfied with what I have and not be selfish. Which has really had a great impact on my life for real.


But then, there was always going to be a backup plan. Whenever I don't get it that way, I always volunteer to go get fuel or bread for the house, probably when there's no light and we need fuel and bread too. If you're a young person and you never did this thing while you were a kid, then your childhood was quite boring.


Many boys can testify to doing this while they were younger. I always take my own part of the share for volunteering to go get fuel or bread for the house by not giving my parents the change remaining. It was always fun to do that. I always assume that they forgot about it most times. But then, growing up, I realized that my parents just decided to leave it for me to spend.


Because my mom especially never forgets things easily. I have heard bad market in some cases My mom intentionally let me spend it first sometimes before she asks, and then I just feel like entering the ground because my mom is not going to punish you with a cane, never.

My mom will wait till the next day when you're going to school. She will then ask you to take your pocket money from the change you brought back yesterday. Sometimes, I feel like crying heavy because it mostly turns out to be a day when we always have a long day at school. So that was always serving as my punishment for my act.


It was a really nice experience, I'm not going to lie. But then, it was something I'm never going to forget so easily. I love chocolates so much, but due to the fact that they say too much of it isn't really good for a man, I had to restrict how much I take it.


Thank you for taking the time to go through my post. I hope you were able to learn something from it. This post was inspired by the #inleo community and also serves as my entry to the #septemberinleo prompt Day 13. N:B-All Images Belong To Me.
