Drugwars changing direction: introducing new Editorial director, last update postponement, and more

Greetings everyone and welcome to a special Drugwars update, one that most of you have not only been waiting for but hoping for too. We are implementing some changes to our workflow and customer communication that will greatly influence the quality of user experience and an overall game improvement. We have a busy weekend ahead of us but will do everything in our power to bring you what you deserve on time and with precision. Are you ready for the changes that are coming? Excited?


After listening to the community and all your feedback and suggestions, we have decided to make some radical changes to our functioning. FutureShock stands for owning your future and Drugwars, as a part of it, needs to follow the same high standards and provide the utmost quality to its users, associates, and investors. We have recognized a necessity to implement a certain number of things that will enhance the value of this project and provide additional transparency.

Drugwars Government has noticed that a lot of its users have been asking for additional information, more transparency and better communication skills. This is why Drugwars has hired me, their new Editorial Director, so allow me to introduce myself and tell you a couple of words of what my job will be and what skill set will help me do it.

A happy fairy for happy users

My name is Petra and I am known on this blockchain as @zen-art. I have joined steemit over a year ago and have been working as an Editorial Director for Fundition for the last 6 months. The reason why you will hear the term "happy-fairy" associated with me is my ability to resolve conflicts, approach any situation with a positive attitude and my refusing to accept the philosophical meaning of the word "problem". There are challenges in life and by resolving them, we are growing as human beings. When you stop learning and evolving, you start dying and in order to evolve, constructive criticism and feedback from your surrounding is crucial. In order to be able to comprehend the world you are functioning in, you need to be proficient in your communicating skills and that is the value I bring to the Drugwars table.

My love for psychology and constant improvement of my communicating and social skills, allow me to be the person who will bridge the gap between the government of Drugwars and its users by providing regular information, updates, and explanations. I will also oversee the editing and creating of any new or exiting documents. A happy fairy goes where a happy fairy is needed and after seeing the last post from Drugwars, boy o boy, am I needed here...

Accepting the proposal from @hightouch to work on Drugwars was an easy decision to make. I strongly believe in this project and have a high opinion and nothing but respect for the man. He is an absolute genius. The only problem is, like any other genius, his people skills could be better (to say the least). The number of hours he has put into everything involved in FutureShock, from Fundition to DrugWars, hard work, sacrifices he made, and everything that he has made possible for all of us is truly admirable. For crying out loud, the man needs to be reminded to sleep and eat. Honestly, working for a visionary and a remarkable person like him has its good and bad sides. It is rewarding and challenging at the same time but I do admit that I have been enjoying it on Fundition and see no reason why that enjoyment would not continue with Drugwars.

I am looking forward to working with all of you
and making your experience with this project
the best it can be.

DISCLAIMER:It may seem that my English is good, however, it is not my first language and I do apologize in advance for any possible misspellings or typos that may happen in the future. I will do my best and try to avoid them but since I am, after all, only human and perfection is an unrealistic dream, I can not promise you that some silly things like mixing though with dough will not happen :D

We are officially launching the DrugWars forum for the players to share, to talk, to spread, to debate, to argue, to spy… Did I mention earning money? Yeah, that too ;) There will be an additional post about the Forum that will explain all the details. We are working on it and expecting it to be published by tomorrow so rest assured that all the necessary info will be provided to you on time and with precision.

Fees of the share system
and rewarding your contributions

The forum will provide an easy way to find information and to share content with others. Everything that you share on the forum has the potential to be upvoted based on the quality it has and the relevance it holds to other players. Fees are 10% and are divided in the following manner:

  • 1% for tokenbb
  • 6% that will go to the game
  • 3% for paying the developer and the associates

For example, let's say that you post a high-quality content on the forum and get upvotes from us and other players. The value your post has is $5. 20% of that goes to the curators which is $1. You are left with $4. The fees we take are calculated from the initial amount of $5 and since 10% of that is 0.5, you no longer have $4 but $3.5. Those $0.5 fees will go for tokenbb ($0.05), the game ($0.3), and the developers ($0.15). The post addressing the forum in more detail will be published soon so you will have more information before long.

The announcement of our Token shocked some of you and it shocked you big time. Given the lack of information you were provided with and the short time period until the transition, I am not surprised by your reaction and respect your feelings about it. The Government has recognized your concerns and will listen to your feedback so we are postponing the token and changing the way of the transition.

Easy, profitable, visionary and elegant,
but only if you want it.

We understand that change never comes easy and that sometimes, seeing further in the future can be hard. We have no problem with some of you not wanting the token, maybe you will want it later or maybe never, that is your choice and we respect it as such. There are, however, people who do want it so we've decided to make everyone happy and allow you to choose.

You have been told how the payment in token will start in 48 hours and those hours end this evening. This will not happen. The transition to a new system will be gradual and for the time being, the payment in steem will continue. You will be able TO CHOOSE your payment option, steem, token, or 50-50 and since we are promoting our token, if you choose that option, you will receive a bonus for it. Once you choose, you can go back and your daily payment will be according to the choice you made. The option to choose and the implementation of the token will happen in a couple of days.

after midnight!

After midnight tonight, you will be able to get your airdrop of the token in game. You will need to have an Obyte (formerly known as Byteball) wallet and a registered steem account to do it so be sure to have those two things by then. 70,000 steemians got already introduced in Obyte through the Steem attestation event and there is already many tutorials to help you to attest your steem account. The using of the token in-game will be possible in a couple of days, the same time when the option of the token in daily payments will be integrated. Do not miss your chance for some free tokens and prepare for the future by having FUTURE TOKEN.

Giving you even more...

Additional benefits and a huge upgrade to the game are payments for fights. Up until now, you have been paid at the end of each day, while this will continue, additional payment will be added. You might get paid for the fight you had, depending on the results from it. We are planning to implement this feature in the next week and a separate post announcing it with all the details will be published before the upgrade is made.

Having a whitepaper, or in our case, blackpaper, is extremely important. It provides not only the basic information about the project but the most crucial one and is something that everyone can rely on. This is why we have made it our priority to finish the blackpaper by tomorrow and have it ready for you.

From vision to implementation
and everythig in between...

The blackpaper will have our vision explained and it will have a market analysis that is supporting it. It will contain details about our business model and the Future token. The roadmap provided will give you information on what we are doing and what we are planning to do. The blackpaper has been in the works for some time now because we want it to be as clear as possible. The plan is to have it ready by this evening and to have a happy combo of BLACKPAPER + TOKEN AIRDROP. Fingers crossed, happy thoughts in our direction and any other additional superstition that works for you will be greatly appreciated. We are putting a lot of effort in and hoping that all those sleepless nights will show some benefits and be rewarded with an amazing blackpaper that both associates and users will enjoy and have great use from.

By the way, as the King Dealer, all of the payouts from DrugWars posts on the Steem Blockchain will go to the Dealer Pool without any cut.
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