Weekly Card Giveaway Post


Chaos cards are out and I still am learning about them but the giveaways will continue. This was the last one and the winner of that was.

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I hope it helps you @failingforward

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This week let me know if you are planning to snipe single cards on the market or buy packs hoping to pull a gold foil legendary?

I use to snipe the market and I still will for my alt accounts. But I still remember the first time I saved up to buy 200 packs. Opened them all with potions and pulled my first gold foil legendary in a pack. I sold that card and made enough to buy 200 more packs. After that, I became a pack buyer more than a single card sniper. But for sure you need the funds to keep buying 200 packs every month or so if you want to chase those rare cards.

This week you can win a Gem Meteor

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