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Sometime Stampede Becomes... A Battle Of Staking Up Some Big Tanks in Front

Hello my friend, welcome to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets post. As for today, we have this Stampede as our main theme. This ruleset will make trample delivering infinite attacks as long the units keep killing the next target in the same turn.

So Trample becomes the key ability here, and indirectly this makes Possibilus the Wise becomes most favorite summoner. Possibilus the wise has the ability to give trample ability to all of his units, so hardly resist this offer.

However sometime we do not have that option, I mean an option to use Trample ability. What should we do when we are in that position? The most simple way is to negate that trample from happening, which mean we stock pile some big tanks in front.

This is the old school way to fight back Stampede if we really have no trample ability holders in our line up. Let see our battle which show this simple tactic.

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Ok here was our battle guys, a fire element vs a life element. I was glad both of us chose to go with different element. This was a battle on Gold League Wild format, I was warming up in wild format because I played for Gold Foil fray in Brawl. I needed to get used myself with the wild format before filling my Brawl Battle


I saw ferocity there, I knew having a taunt unit would not be wise. I did not understand why my opponent chose with a taunt tank in front. Well he must have his own thought that time, a calculation he made for it. I felt like maybe all my units should have armor to take some advantage on it. Or maybe I used a martyr or a bloodlust unit.

However I chose to ignore that because my opponent would use trample and made multiple attacks because Martyr could be killed in one go. Not a safe bet in these ruleset. I did not dare to use any trample units too such as Desert Dragons or Grund... or maybe other trample units.. because I just did not have them at good level.

So just went for the safe bet, which was having two big tanks in front and had Dumacke Exile on the third because he could be a decent extra tank too. Well I did not know would this work or not, but Let see how this battle went:


  • This battle started by both party buffed and debuffed their opponents. My opponent came with a more defensive approach, by having Ferox Defender and have most of their units aim my front door. My team was a gang ho all attacks, and relied on the triple tanks I set in front.
  • Their team had 7 melee damage, and 10 range damage. combined all, they got 17 damage per round.
  • My team had 21 melee damage per round and we did not use any other attacks.
  • This became a funny battle, why did none of use bring any mages?


  • Round two started with 6 vs 6 condition, however they had their tank Iidri Fyre used her reborn to revive and back to battle again.
  • Although their main tank did not possess any attack, they still could keep up with my pace.


  • We were starting to see the gap here. Now it became 5 vs 6. However it became a fierce battle because all of them attacking my tank position. In this round My Bear was killed but got a rebirth.


  • Ferox Defender was damn to strong in Slugfest, he kept repairing his armor. His team managed to get even now.


  • It's not a joke saying Ferox Defender was too strong on Melee Slugfest. It would not get killed.






  • Wet got conclusion here on the round 10. Good Game

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Soon, after I take my medication, I will fix this part

That's all for my battle mage secret post today, thank you for reading my post here and see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art