Caminata bajo la lluvia//Walk in the rain


Las nubes se fueron agrupando rápidamente, haciendo desaparecer poco a poco la luz del sol, mientras que observa como iba cambiando la luminosidad del día en el preciso momento en que yo me trasladaba en un transporte público, pensé "seguramente tendré que a guarecerme en algún sitio para no mojarme".

Al llegar a mi destino aún no había comenzado a llover, me dirigí de prisa a realizar la diligencia que debía resolver ese día, con la esperanza de no demorar tanto y me diera la oportunidad de tomar nuevamente el transporte que me llevaría devuelta a casa antes que ocurriera lo que el cielo me avisaba claramente.

A penas terminé de cumplir con mi tarea, salí a la calle, entonces comienzan a caer de forma apresurada unas tras otras gotas grandes y gruesas sobre mi cabeza, tuve la sensación de que estaban esperando por mí para empezar con el espectáculo, saque de prisa mi paraguas, y apure el paso para llegar hasta la parada del bus allí me quede esperando por una hora a que alguno transporte se detuviera, pero esto no sucedió, mientras pasaban los minutos la ansiedad y la desesperación se iba apoderando de mí las cuales venían acompañadas de pensamientos que vaticinaban únicamente eventos desastrosos.

Ahora la angustia tomaba el protagonismo al ver que caía la noche y la lluvia no cesaba, entonces me arme de valor, tome la decisión de caminar mientras lloraba el cielo, pensé "tengo mucho tiempo que no disfruto una caminata como esta", sacando nuevamente el paraguas me eche andar.

Las calles se iba convirtiendo en ríos mientras millares de luces se iban moviendo por el pavimento húmedo, pude observar como cada vez había menos personas transitando por ellas, es que le tememos tanto a la lluvia, "la hemos satanizado atacándole de ser una de las responsables de nuestro resfriado, cuando en realidad es a causada de un sistema inmune débil", reflexioné para mí.

Mientras caminaba por las calles semi-desiertas, sentía como la lluvia caía fuertemente sobre mi calzado que comenzaba a humedecer y las gotas de agua se iban filtrando a través de la tela del paraguas, su intensidad iba en aumento, sabía qué correr o caminar de prisa de poco me serviría.

Cerré el paraguas, me dispuse a disfrutar, porque tendría que temerle a la lluvia me dije entonces la deje, que se deslizará por mi rostro luego penetrará por mi ropa, mojando así toda mi piel, camine más lento, sabía que un momento similar a este no lo volvería a vivir, era un instante que muchos se negaban a experimentar tal vez por temor o quizá por el disgusto de empaparse en ella, pero para mí esos minutos significo la conjunción con la vida misma sin deseo de alterarla, aceptándola como se presentaba caótica, intensa y persistente, es que la lluvia para mí siempre es un poema.

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The clouds were gathering quickly, making the sunlight disappear little by little, while observing how the brightness of the day was changing at the precise moment when I was taking public transportation, I thought "surely I'll have to take shelter somewhere to avoid getting wet".

When I arrived at my destination it had not yet started to rain, I hurried to run the errand I had to solve that day, hoping that it would not take so long and would give me the opportunity to take the transport that would take me back home before what the sky was clearly warning me would happen.

As soon as I finished my task, I went out to the street, then began to fall in a hurry one after another large and thick drops on my head, I had the feeling that they were waiting for me to start with the show, I hurriedly took out my umbrella and hurried to get to the bus stop where I stayed waiting for an hour for any transport to stop, but this did not happen, I hurriedly took out my umbrella and hurried to get to the bus stop where I stayed waiting for an hour for some transport to stop, but this did not happen, as the minutes passed the anxiety and despair was taking over me which were accompanied by thoughts that predicted only disastrous events.

Now the anguish took center stage as night fell and the rain continued to fall, then I took courage, I decided to walk while the sky was crying, I thought "I haven't enjoyed a walk like this for a long time", taking out the umbrella again I started to walk.

The streets were turning into rivers while thousands of lights were moving on the wet pavement, I could see how less and less people were passing through them, is that we are so afraid of the rain, "we have demonized it by attacking it as one of those responsible for our cold, when in fact it is caused by a weak immune system," I reflected to myself.

As I walked through the semi-deserted streets, I felt the rain falling heavily on my shoes that began to get wet and the drops of water were filtering through the fabric of the umbrella, its intensity was increasing, I knew that running or walking in a hurry would do me little good.

I closed the umbrella, I was ready to enjoy, why should I be afraid of the rain I said to myself then I let it slide down my face and then penetrate my clothes, soaking all my skin, I walked slower, I knew that a moment similar to this one I would never live it again, There were many people who could not rejoice with this sensation or refused to experience it perhaps out of fear and perhaps because of the displeasure of getting soaked in it, but for me at that moment it meant the conjunction with life itself without the desire to alter it, accepting it as it was chaotic, intense and persistent, is that the rain for me is always a poem.

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Este es mi relato para el Reto escritura creativa inspiración para el crecimiento personal conovocado por la comunidad de @holos-lotus

This is my story for the Creative Writing Challenge inspiration for personal growth conovoked by the @holos-lotus community.

Translated with (free version)

La imagen de portada pertenece a//The cover image belongs to Erik Witsoe en unsplash

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